當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 源碼下載 - 求上位機串口程序代碼


以下是根據“人民郵電出版社”的“VISUAL BASIC 串口通訊實例導航”壹書的第壹章代碼修改用於發送和接收十六進制的數據流實用可運行代碼.


Option Explicit

Public fMainForm As frmMain

Public yibiao_weizhi(10) As Integer

Public dizhi1 As String * 2

Public main_i As Integer

Public i As Integer

Public j As Integer

Public fasong_sj(10, 5) As String

Public xh As Integer

Public dizhi As Integer

Public sj_bm(10, 5) As Single

Public number As Byte

Public setMingling(10) As String * 16

Public alame(10) As String * 1

Public record_jm(5) As Single

Public a As Double

Public PRINT_Cs(14) As String

Public PRINT_WzCs(12) As String

Public shiYAnH As String

Public shiYAnTime As String

Public shiyan_sj(4) As String

Public print_fg As Byte

Option Explicit

Dim sum_zs

Dim xuhao_zs As String * 2

Dim i As Byte

Dim j As Byte

Dim ccl(2) As String * 1

Dim blL As String * 2

Dim bl As String * 1

Dim cclL(2) As String * 4

Dim bl_dm As String * 4

Dim zt_dm1 As String * 8

Dim jieshou_sj As String * 6

Dim sum As Byte

Dim sum1 As Byte

Dim xuhao As String * 2

Dim fa0 As String * 2

Dim HexStr1 As String * 20

' 基本設置

Private intPort As Integer '串行口號

Private strSet As String '協議設置

Private intTime As Integer '發送時間間隔


Private blnAutoSendFlag As Boolean '發送標誌

Private blnAutoSendFlag1 As Boolean '發送標誌

Private blnReceiveFlag As Boolean '接收標誌


Private intOutMode As Integer '發送模式

Private strSendText As String '發送文本數據

Private bytSendByte() As Byte '發送二進制數據


Private intHexChk As Integer '十六進制編碼標誌

Private intAsciiChk As Integer 'ASCII碼標誌

Private intAddressChk As Integer '地址標誌

Private intAdd48Chk As Integer '4/8位地址標誌


Private bytReceiveByte() As Byte '接收到的字節

Private intReceiveLen As Integer '接收到的字節數

Private strTestn As String


Private strAddress As String '地址信息

Private strHex As String '十六進制編碼

Private strAscii As String 'ASCII碼

Private intHexWidth As Integer '顯示列數


Private intOriginX As Long '橫向原點(像素)

Private intOriginY As Integer '縱向原點(行)

Private intLine As Integer '總行數


Dim m As Integer

Dim blnChakanFlag As Boolean


Private Const ChrWidth = 105 '單位寬度

Private Const ChrHeight = 2 * ChrWidth '單位高度

Private Const BorderWidth = 210 '預留邊界

Private Const LineMax = 16 '最大顯示行數




Private Sub InputManage(bytInput() As Byte, intInputLenth As Integer)

Dim n As Integer '定義變量及初始化

ReDim Preserve bytReceiveByte(intReceiveLen + intInputLenth)

For n = 1 To intInputLenth Step 1

bytReceiveByte(intReceiveLen + n - 1) = bytInput(n - 1)

Next n

intReceiveLen = intReceiveLen + intInputLenth

End Sub







Private Sub GetDisplayText()

Dim n As Integer

Dim intValue As Integer

Dim intHighHex As Integer

Dim intLowHex As Integer

Dim strSingleChr As String * 1

Dim intAddress As Integer

Dim intAddressArray(8) As Integer

Dim intHighAddress As Integer

Dim HexStr As String

On Error GoTo abc

strAscii = "" '設置初值

strHex = ""

strAddress = ""


For n = 1 To intReceiveLen

intValue = bytReceiveByte(n - 1)

If intValue < 32 Or intValue > 128 Then '處理非法字符

strSingleChr = Chr(46) '對於不能顯示的ASCII碼,

Else '用"."表示

strSingleChr = Chr(intValue)

End If

strAscii = strAscii + strSingleChr

intHighHex = intValue \ 16

intLowHex = intValue - intHighHex * 16

If intHighHex < 10 Then

intHighHex = intHighHex + 48


intHighHex = intHighHex + 55

End If

If intLowHex < 10 Then

intLowHex = intLowHex + 48


intLowHex = intLowHex + 55

End If

HexStr = HexStr & Chr$(intHighHex) & Chr$(intLowHex)

HexStr1 = HexStr '傳遞數據

strHex = strHex + " " + Chr$(intHighHex) + Chr$(intLowHex) + " "

If (n Mod intHexWidth) = 0 Then '設置換行

strAscii = strAscii + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)

strHex = strHex + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)


End If

Next n


intLine = intReceiveLen \ intHexWidth

If (intReceiveLen - intHexWidth * intLine) > 0 Then

intLine = intLine + 1

End If

For n = 1 To intLine

intAddress = (n - 1) * intHexWidth

If intAdd48Chk = 1 Then

intHighAddress = 8


intHighAddress = 4

End If

intAddressArray(0) = intAddress

For m = 1 To intHighAddress

intAddressArray(m) = intAddressArray(m - 1) \ 16

Next m

For m = 1 To intHighAddress

intAddressArray(m - 1) = intAddressArray(m - 1) - intAddressArray(m) * 16

Next m

For m = 1 To intHighAddress

If intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m) < 10 Then

intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m) = intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m) + Asc("0")


intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m) = intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m) + Asc("A") - 10

End If

strAddress = strAddress + Chr$(intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m))

Next m

strAddress = strAddress + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) '設置換行

Next n

'Text1 = "Ok"

Exit Sub


'Text1 = "Error"


End Sub


Private Sub display()

Dim intViewWidth As Long '橫向寬度(像素)

Dim intViewLine As Integer '縱向寬度(行)

Dim strDisplayAddress As String

Dim strDisplayHex As String

Dim strDisplayAscii As String

strDisplayAddress = ""

strDisplayHex = ""

strDisplayAscii = ""

Dim intStart As Integer

Dim intLenth As Integer


If intAdd48Chk = 1 Then

frmMain.txtHexEditAddress.Width = 8 * ChrWidth + BorderWidth


frmMain.txtHexEditAddress.Width = 4 * ChrWidth + BorderWidth

End If

frmMain.txtHexEditHex.Width = intHexWidth * 4 * ChrWidth + BorderWidth

frmMain.txtHexEditText.Width = intHexWidth * ChrWidth + BorderWidth

frmMain.txtBlank.Width = BorderWidth

intViewWidth = frmMain.txtHexEditAddress.Width * intAddressChk + frmMain.txtHexEditHex.Width * intHexChk + frmMain.txtHexEditText.Width * intAsciiChk

If intViewWidth <= frmMain.fraHexEditBackground.Width And intLine < LineMax Then

frmMain.txtBlank.Width = frmMain.fraHexEditBackground.Width - intViewWidth

frmMain.hsclHexEdit.Visible = False

frmMain.vsclHexEdit.Visible = False

intViewWidth = frmMain.fraHexEditBackground.Width

intViewLine = intLine

intOriginX = 0

intOriginY = 0

ElseIf intViewWidth > frmMain.fraHexEditBackground.Width And intLine < LineMax - 1 Then

frmMain.hsclHexEdit.Visible = True

frmMain.vsclHexEdit.Visible = False

frmMain.hsclHexEdit.Width = frmMain.fraHexEditBackground.Width

intViewLine = intLine

intOriginY = 0

If intOriginX > intViewWidth - frmMain.fraHexEditBackground.Width Then

intOriginX = intViewWidth - frmMain.fraHexEditBackground.Width

End If

ElseIf intViewWidth < (frmMain.fraHexEditBackground.Width - frmMain.vsclHexEdit.Width) And intLine >= LineMax Then

frmMain.vsclHexEdit.Visible = True

frmMain.hsclHexEdit.Visible = False

frmMain.txtBlank.Width = frmMain.fraHexEditBackground.Width - intViewWidth

intViewWidth = frmMain.fraHexEditBackground.Width

intViewLine = LineMax

intOriginX = 0

If intOriginY > intLine - LineMax Then

intOriginY = intLine - LineMax

End If


frmMain.hsclHexEdit.Visible = True

frmMain.vsclHexEdit.Visible = True

frmMain.hsclHexEdit.Width = frmMain.fraHexEditBackground.Width - frmMain.vsclHexEdit.Width

intViewLine = LineMax - 1

If intOriginX > intViewWidth - frmMain.fraHexEditBackground.Width Then

intOriginX = intViewWidth - frmMain.fraHexEditBackground.Width

End If

If intOriginY > intLine - LineMax + 1 Then

intOriginY = intLine - LineMax + 1

End If

End If

frmMain.txtHexEditAddress.Left = intOriginX

frmMain.txtHexEditHex.Left = intOriginX + frmMain.txtHexEditAddress.Width * intAddressChk

frmMain.txtHexEditText.Left = intOriginX + frmMain.txtHexEditAddress.Width * intAddressChk + frmMain.txtHexEditHex.Width * intHexChk

frmMain.txtBlank.Left = intOriginX + frmMain.txtHexEditAddress.Width * intAddressChk + frmMain.txtHexEditHex.Width * intHexChk + frmMain.txtHexEditText.Width * intAsciiChk

intStart = intOriginY * (6 + 4 * intAdd48Chk) + 1

intLenth = intViewLine * (6 + 4 * intAdd48Chk)

strDisplayAddress = Mid(strAddress, intStart, intLenth)

intStart = intOriginY * (intHexWidth * 4 + 2) + 1

intLenth = intViewLine * (intHexWidth * 4 + 2)

strDisplayHex = Mid(strHex, intStart, intLenth)

intStart = intOriginY * (intHexWidth + 2) + 1

intLenth = intViewLine * (intHexWidth + 2)

strDisplayAscii = Mid(strAscii, intStart, intLenth)


frmMain.vsclHexEdit.Max = intLine - intViewLine

frmMain.hsclHexEdit.Max = (intViewWidth - frmMain.fraHexEditBackground.Width) \ ChrWidth + 1


frmMain.txtHexEditHex.Text = strDisplayHex

frmMain.txtHexEditText.Text = strDisplayAscii

frmMain.txtHexEditAddress.Text = strDisplayAddress

End Sub


Private Sub ScrollRedisplay()

Call display

End Sub


Private Sub SlideRedisplay()

Call GetDisplayText

Call display

End Sub

'字符表示的十六進制數轉化為相應的整數,錯誤則返回 -1

Function ConvertHexChr(str As String) As Integer

Dim test As Integer

test = Asc(str)

If test >= Asc("0") And test <= Asc("9") Then

test = test - Asc("0")

ElseIf test >= Asc("a") And test <= Asc("f") Then

test = test - Asc("a") + 10

ElseIf test >= Asc("A") And test <= Asc("F") Then

test = test - Asc("A") + 10


test = -1 '出錯信息

End If

ConvertHexChr = test

End Function


Function strHexToByteArray(strText As String, bytByte() As Byte) As Integer

Dim HexData As Integer '十六進制(二進制)數據字節對應值

Dim hstr As String * 1 '高位字符

Dim lstr As String * 1 '低位字符

Dim HighHexData As Integer '高位數值

Dim LowHexData As Integer '低位數值

Dim HexDataLen As Integer '字節數

Dim StringLen As Integer '字符串長度

Dim Account As Integer

Dim n As Long


strTestn = "" '設初值

HexDataLen = 0

strHexToByteArray = 0

StringLen = Len(strText)

Account = StringLen \ 2

ReDim bytByte(Account)

For n = 1 To StringLen

Do '清除空格

hstr = Mid(strText, n, 1)

n = n + 1

If (n - 1) > StringLen Then

HexDataLen = HexDataLen - 1

Exit For

End If

Loop While hstr = " "


lstr = Mid(strText, n, 1)

n = n + 1

If (n - 1) > StringLen Then

HexDataLen = HexDataLen - 1

Exit For

End If

Loop While lstr = " "

n = n - 1

If n > StringLen Then

HexDataLen = HexDataLen - 1

Exit For

End If

HighHexData = ConvertHexChr(hstr)

LowHexData = ConvertHexChr(lstr)

If HighHexData = -1 Or LowHexData = -1 Then '遇到非法字符中斷轉化

HexDataLen = HexDataLen - 1

Exit For


HexData = HighHexData * 16 + LowHexData

bytByte(HexDataLen) = HexData

HexDataLen = HexDataLen + 1

End If

Next n

If HexDataLen > 0 Then '修正最後壹次循環改變的數值

HexDataLen = HexDataLen - 1

ReDim Preserve bytByte(HexDataLen)


ReDim Preserve bytByte(0)

End If

If StringLen = 0 Then '如果是空串,則不會進入循環體

strHexToByteArray = 0


strHexToByteArray = HexDataLen + 1

End If

End Function

Public Function Hex_bin()


For i = 1 To 2

ccl(i) = Mid(blL, i, 1)

If ccl(i) >= Chr(48) And ccl(i) <= Chr(57) Or ccl(i) >= Chr(65) And ccl(i) <= Chr(70) Then

ccl(i) = ccl(i)


Exit Function '退出過程函數

ccl(i) = "0"

End If

Next i

For j = 1 To 2

bl = ccl(j)

If bl = "F" Then

bl_dm = "1111"

ElseIf bl = "E" Then

bl_dm = "1110"

ElseIf bl = "D" Then

bl_dm = "1101"

ElseIf bl = "C" Then

bl_dm = "1100"

ElseIf bl = "B" Then

bl_dm = "1011"

ElseIf bl = "A" Then

bl_dm = "1010"

ElseIf bl = "9" Then

bl_dm = "1001"

ElseIf bl = "8" Then

bl_dm = "1000"

ElseIf bl = "7" Then

bl_dm = "0111"

ElseIf bl = "6" Then

bl_dm = "0110"

ElseIf bl = "5" Then

bl_dm = "0101"

ElseIf bl = "4" Then

bl_dm = "0100"

ElseIf bl = "3" Then

bl_dm = "0011"

ElseIf bl = "2" Then

bl_dm = "0010"

ElseIf bl = "1" Then

bl_dm = "0001"

ElseIf bl = "0" Then

bl_dm = "0000"


bl_dm = ""

End If

cclL(j) = bl_dm

Next j

zt_dm1 = cclL(1) + cclL(2)

For i = 1 To 8

'zt_dm(i) = Mid$(zt_dm1, i, 1)

Next i

End Function

Private Sub cboHexAscii_Click()

If frmMain.cboHexAscii.Text = "按ASCII碼" Then

intOutMode = 0


intOutMode = 1

End If

End Sub

Private Sub chkAddress_Click()

If chkAddress.Value = 0 Then

intAddressChk = 0


intAddressChk = 1

End If

Call ScrollRedisplay

End Sub

Private Sub chkAddress48_Click()

If chkAddress48.Value = 1 Then

intAdd48Chk = 1


intAdd48Chk = 0

End If

Call SlideRedisplay

End Sub

Private Sub chkAscii_Click()

If chkAscii.Value = 1 Then

intAsciiChk = 1


intAsciiChk = 0

End If

Call ScrollRedisplay

End Sub

Private Sub chkHex_Click()

If chkHex.Value = 0 Then

intHexChk = 0


intHexChk = 1

End If

Call ScrollRedisplay

End Sub

Private Sub cmdAutoSend_Click()

If blnAutoSendFlag Then

frmMain.ctrTimer.Enabled = False

If Not blnReceiveFlag Then

frmMain.ctrMSComm.PortOpen = False

End If

frmMain.cmdAutoSend.Caption = "自動尋址"


If Not frmMain.ctrMSComm.PortOpen Then

frmMain.ctrMSComm.CommPort = intPort

frmMain.ctrMSComm.Settings = strSet

frmMain.ctrMSComm.PortOpen = True

End If

frmMain.ctrTimer.Interval = intTime

frmMain.ctrTimer.Enabled = True

frmMain.cmdAutoSend.Caption = "停止尋址"

End If

blnAutoSendFlag = Not blnAutoSendFlag

End Sub

Private Sub cmdAutoSend1_Click()


If blnAutoSendFlag1 Then

Call cmdAutoSend_Click

frmMain.ctrTimer1.Enabled = False

frmMain.cmdAutoSend1.Caption = "自動設置"


If Not frmMain.ctrMSComm.PortOpen Then

frmMain.ctrMSComm.CommPort = intPort

frmMain.ctrMSComm.Settings = strSet

frmMain.ctrMSComm.PortOpen = True

End If

Call cmdAutoSend_Click

frmMain.cmdAutoSend1.Caption = "停止設置"

frmMain.ctrTimer1.Enabled = True

End If

blnAutoSendFlag1 = Not blnAutoSendFlag1

End Sub

Private Sub cmdChakan_Click()

If blnChakanFlag Then

frmMain.cmdChakan.Caption = "查看"

frmMain.Height = 2800


frmMain.cmdChakan.Caption = "恢復"

frmMain.Height = 6700

End If

blnChakanFlag = Not blnChakanFlag

End Sub

Private Sub cmdClear_Click()

Dim bytTemp(0) As Byte

ReDim bytReceiveByte(0)

intReceiveLen = 0

Call InputManage(bytTemp, 0)

Call GetDisplayText

Call display

End Sub

Private Sub cmdManualSend_Click()

If Not frmMain.ctrMSComm.PortOpen Then

frmMain.ctrMSComm.CommPort = intPort

frmMain.ctrMSComm.Settings = strSet

frmMain.ctrMSComm.PortOpen = True

End If

Call ctrTimer_Timer

If Not blnAutoSendFlag Then

frmMain.ctrMSComm.PortOpen = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdReceive_Click()

If blnReceiveFlag Then

If Not blnAutoSendFlag And Not blnReceiveFlag Then

frmMain.ctrMSComm.PortOpen = False

End If

frmMain.cmdReceive.Caption = "開始接收"


If Not frmMain.ctrMSComm.PortOpen Then

frmMain.ctrMSComm.CommPort = intPort

frmMain.ctrMSComm.Settings = strSet

frmMain.ctrMSComm.PortOpen = True

End If

frmMain.ctrMSComm.InputLen = 0

frmMain.ctrMSComm.InputMode = 0

frmMain.ctrMSComm.InBufferCount = 0

frmMain.ctrMSComm.RThreshold = 10

frmMain.cmdReceive.Caption = "停止接收"

End If

blnReceiveFlag = Not blnReceiveFlag

End Sub


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