當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 源碼下載 - 壹個班有若幹個學生,***學習5門課程。找出平均成績在90分以上或全部課程成績在85分以上的優秀學生。



#define AVERAGE_SCORE (90)

#define PER_SCORE (85)

typedef struct student


int iNum;

float fScore[5];


int g_aSatisfy[100] = {0};

int InputPerStuInfo(int iNum, STUDENT_ST *pstStu)


printf("Input the %dst student num, math, Eng,c++,linearity and PE:\r\n", iNum+1);

scanf("%d%f%f%f%f%f", &pstStu->iNum,&pstStu->fScore[0], &pstStu->fScore[1], &pstStu->fScore[2],&pstStu->fScore[3],&pstStu->fScore[4]);

return 0;


float Average(STUDENT_ST stStu)


float fAver = 0;

int i = 0;

while (i<5)


fAver += (stStu.fScore[i]/5);



return fAver;


int Query(STUDENT_ST *pstStu)


int i = 0;

float fAver = 0.0;

while (pstStu[i].iNum != 0)


fAver = Average(pstStu[i]);

if (fAver >= AVERAGE_SCORE ||

(pstStu[i].fScore[0] >= PER_SCORE && pstStu[i].fScore[1] >= PER_SCORE

&& pstStu[i].fScore[2] >= PER_SCORE && pstStu[i].fScore[3] >= PER_SCORE && pstStu[i].fScore[4] >= PER_SCORE))


g_aSatisfy[i] = 1;




g_aSatisfy[i] = 0;




return 0;


int main()


int iStuSumNum = 0;

int i = 0;

STUDENT_ST astStu[100];

memset(astStu, 0x00, 100*sizeof(STUDENT_ST));

memset(g_aSatisfy, 0x00, 100*sizeof(int));

printf("Please input the total num of students:");

scanf("%d", &iStuSumNum);

for (i=0; i< iStuSumNum; i++)


InputPerStuInfo(i, &astStu[i]);



for (i=0; i< 100;i++)


if (1 == g_aSatisfy[i])


printf("Satisfy num=%d averg score=%f\r\n", astStu[i].iNum, Average(astStu[i]));



return 0;



Please input the total num of students:3

Input the 1st student num, math, Eng,c++,linearity and PE:

1001 90 90 90 90 89

Input the 2st student num, math, Eng,c++,linearity and PE:

1002 70 100 100 100 95

Input the 3st student num, math, Eng,c++,linearity and PE:

1003 85 85 84 85 85

Satisfy num=1001 averg score=89.800003

Satisfy num=1002 averg score=93.000000

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