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幫我編壹個vb程序 用來表白的




Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim i&, k&

Dim m() As Byte

Dim prew As Long, preh As Long, pret As Long

Dim h As Long, w As Long

ScreenDC = GetWindowDC(0)

ScreenW = Screen.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX

ScreenH = Screen.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY

ReDim m(ScreenW / 3, ScreenH / 3)

Label1.Visible = False

Me.ScaleMode = 3


pret = Me.Top: prew = Me.Width: preh = Me.Height

Me.Move Me.Left, Screen.Height * 2, Screen.Width / 3, Screen.Height / 3


Me.AutoRedraw = True

Label1.AutoSize = True

Label1 = YourWord

Label1.Font.Size = 100

Label1.Font.Size = Label1.Font.Size * (Me.ScaleWidth / Label1.Width) * BorderScale

Label1.Font.Size = Label1.Font.Size * (Me.ScaleWidth / Label1.Width) * BorderScale

Me.FontName = Label1.FontName

Me.FontSize = Label1.FontSize

Me.ForeColor = 0

CurrentX = (Me.ScaleWidth - Label1.Width) / 2

CurrentY = (Me.ScaleHeight - Label1.Height) / 2

Print Label1

For h = 1 To ScreenH / 3

For w = 1 To ScreenW / 3

If Point(w, h) = 0 Then

m(w, h) = 1

End If

Next w

Next h


SNOW_MAX = ScreenW * ScreenH \ SnowScale

ReDim Snow&(SNOW_MAX, 1), Last&(SNOW_MAX)


For i = 0 To SNOW_MAX

NewSnow i

Snow(i, 1) = -Rnd * ScreenH


Me.Move Me.Left, pret, prew, preh

Me.WindowState = 1

On Error Resume Next


For i = 0 To SNOW_MAX

SetPixel ScreenDC, Snow(i, 0), Snow(i, 1), Last(i)

Snow(i, 0) = Snow(i, 0) + Rnd * FALL_SPEED - FALL_SPEED / 2

Snow(i, 1) = Snow(i, 1) + Rnd * FALL_SPEED

If Snow(i, 0) < 0 Or Snow(i, 0) > ScreenW Or Snow(i, 1) > ScreenH Then

NewSnow i


k = Last(i)

Last(i) = GetPixel(ScreenDC, Snow(i, 0), Snow(i, 1))

SetPixel ScreenDC, Snow(i, 0), Snow(i, 1), SnowColor

If m(Snow(i, 0) / 3, Snow(i, 1) / 3) Then

If Rnd < SpotSpeed Then

If Rnd < 0.5 Then Last(i) = WordColor1 Else Last(i) = WordColor2

End If

End If

End If


Sleep FALL_Interval&


If myend Then Exit Sub


End Sub

Private Sub NewSnow(i&)

Snow(i, 0) = Rnd * ScreenW

Snow(i, 1) = 0

Last(i) = GetPixel(ScreenDC, Snow(i, 0), 0)

End Sub

Private Function ColorDec(ByVal Color1&, ByVal Color2&) As Long

Dim R1%, G1%, B1%

Dim R2%, G2%, B2%

GetRGB Color1, R1, G1, B1

GetRGB Color2, R2, G2, B2

ColorDec = Abs(R1 - R2) + Abs(G1 - G2) + Abs(B1 - B2)

End Function

Private Sub GetRGB(ByVal Color&, ByRef r%, ByRef g%, ByRef b%)

r = (Color Mod 256)

b = (Int(Color \ 65536))

g = ((Color - (b * 65536) - r) \ 256)

End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)

myend = True




End Sub

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