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java構造方法URL(URL urlobj,String urlSpecifier)是什麽意思?


意思是妳使用這個構造方法創建對象的時候需要給他傳遞兩個參數。壹個參數是URL類型(對象本身的類型),另壹個字符串類型。列如 URL rul = new URL(new URL(),"str");


public URL(URL context, String spec) throws MalformedURLException {

this(context, spec, null);





* Creates a URL by parsing the given spec with the specified handler

* within a specified context. If the handler is null, the parsing

* occurs as with the two argument constructor.


* @param context the context in which to parse the specification.

* @param spec the {@code String} to parse as a URL.

* @param handler the stream handler for the URL.

* @exception MalformedURLException if no protocol is specified, or an

* unknown protocol is found, or {@code spec} is {@code null}.

* @exception SecurityException

* if a security manager exists and its

* {@code checkPermission} method doesn't allow

* specifying a stream handler.

* @see java.net.URL#URL(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,

* int, java.lang.String)

* @see java.net.URLStreamHandler

* @see java.net.URLStreamHandler#parseURL(java.net.URL,

* java.lang.String, int, int)


public URL(URL context, String spec, URLStreamHandler handler)

throws MalformedURLException


String original = spec;

int i, limit, c;

int start = 0;

String newProtocol = null;

boolean aRef=false;

boolean isRelative = false;

// Check for permission to specify a handler

if (handler != null) {

SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();

if (sm != null) {




try {

limit = spec.length();

while ((limit > 0) && (spec.charAt(limit - 1) <= ' ')) {

limit--; //eliminate trailing whitespace


while ((start < limit) && (spec.charAt(start) <= ' ')) {

start++; // eliminate leading whitespace


if (spec.regionMatches(true, start, "url:", 0, 4)) {

start += 4;


if (start < spec.length() && spec.charAt(start) == '#') {

/* we're assuming this is a ref relative to the context URL.

* This means protocols cannot start w/ '#', but we must parse

* ref URL's like: "hello:there" w/ a ':' in them.




for (i = start ; !aRef && (i < limit) &&

((c = spec.charAt(i)) != '/') ; i++) {

if (c == ':') {

String s = spec.substring(start, i).toLowerCase();

if (isValidProtocol(s)) {

newProtocol = s;

start = i + 1;





// Only use our context if the protocols match.

protocol = newProtocol;

if ((context != null) && ((newProtocol == null) ||

newProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase(context.protocol))) {

// inherit the protocol handler from the context

// if not specified to the constructor

if (handler == null) {

handler = context.handler;


// If the context is a hierarchical URL scheme and the spec

// contains a matching scheme then maintain backwards

// compatibility and treat it as if the spec didn't contain

// the scheme; see 5.2.3 of RFC2396

if (context.path != null && context.path.startsWith("/"))

newProtocol = null;

if (newProtocol == null) {

protocol = context.protocol;

authority = context.authority;

userInfo = context.userInfo;

host = context.host;

port = context.port;

file = context.file;

path = context.path;

isRelative = true;



if (protocol == null) {

throw new MalformedURLException("no protocol: "+original);


// Get the protocol handler if not specified or the protocol

// of the context could not be used

if (handler == null &&

(handler = getURLStreamHandler(protocol)) == null) {

throw new MalformedURLException("unknown protocol: "+protocol);


this.handler = handler;

i = spec.indexOf('#', start);

if (i >= 0) {

ref = spec.substring(i + 1, limit);

limit = i;



* Handle special case inheritance of query and fragment

* implied by RFC2396 section 5.2.2.


if (isRelative && start == limit) {

query = context.query;

if (ref == null) {

ref = context.ref;



handler.parseURL(this, spec, start, limit);

} catch(MalformedURLException e) {

throw e;

} catch(Exception e) {

MalformedURLException exception = new MalformedURLException(e.getMessage());


throw exception;



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  • 下一篇:伊甸園的原址
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