當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 站長素材 - flash as 下雪

flash as 下雪

var sceneWidth = 550;

var sceneHeight = 400;

var sideDisWidth = Stage.width/2-sceneWidth/2;

var sideDisHeight = Stage.height/2-sceneHeight/2;

var snowNum = 150;

var snowSpace = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("room", 1);


// End of the function

function createSnow() {

var _l1 = 0;

while (_l1<snowNum) {

var _l2 = snowSpace.createEmptyMovieClip("s"+_l1, _l1);

var _l3 = Math.random()*3;

drawSnow(_l2, _l3);



// end while


// End of the function

function drawSnow(snow, radius) {

var p = radius*0.900000;

with (snow) {

colors = [13421772, 16777215];

alphas = [100, 100];

ratios = [0, 255];

matrix = {matrixType:"box", x:-Math.random()*2*radius, y:-Math.random()*2*radius, w:2*radius, h:2*radius, r:1.570796};

beginGradientFill("radial", colors, alphas, ratios, matrix);

curveTo(p, -p, radius, 0);

curveTo(p, p, 0, radius);

curveTo(-p, p, -radius, 0);

curveTo(-p, -p, 0, -radius);


// End of with

snowProperty(snow, sceneWidth, sceneHeight);


// End of the function

function snowProperty(snow, w, h) {

snow._x = sideDisWidth+Math.random()*w;

snow._y = sideDisHeight+Math.random()*h;

snow._rotation = Math.random()*120+30;

snow.stepX = Math.cos(snow._rotation*3.141593/180);

snow.stepY = Math.random()*2+1;

setInterval(snowFall, 30, snow);


// End of the function

function snowFall(snow) {

snow._x = snow._x+snow.stepX;

snow._y = snow._y+snow.stepY;

if (sideDisWidth>snow._x) {

snow._x = sideDisWidth+sceneWidth;


// end if

if (sideDisWidth+sceneWidth<snow._x) {

snow._x = sideDisWidth;


// end if

if (sideDisHeight+sceneHeight<snow._y) {

snow._y = sideDisHeight;


// end if


// End of the function

  • 上一篇:請教,像這種鳥瞰型效果圖裏的樹,是後期PS做的還是直接在3Dmax導入模型?簡單說說步驟嗎,謝謝
  • 下一篇:虎牙李若彤房間號
  • copyright 2024編程學習大全網