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幾千萬年前A few tens of millions of years ago

強烈的火山運動The volcano strong campaign

留下的火山巨巖Leave the object of his affections volcano

妳可以在這裏找到You can find here

這裏四面環水Here was surrounded by water

清晨,妳可以步行在柔軟的沙灘上Early in the morning, you can walk in the soft beach

看著太陽從海平面升起Watching the sun from the sea-level rise

當然妳也可以在海邊的別墅窗前Of course, you can at the seaside villa windows

去迎接新的壹天To greet a new day

這裏是鳥兒的天堂Here is a paradise for birds

傍晚的時候妳可以聽見You can hear the evening

它們跟著歸航的漁船在歌唱Singing with the return of their fishing boats

清新的空氣Cleaner Air

和幽靜的樸樹林The hackberry forests and quiet

使得他們可以世代在此繁衍In this generation so that they can breed

這裏寺廟眾多Many temples here

人們日復壹日,年復壹年的朝拜People day in, day out, year after year, the pilgrimage

因為他們相信神靈會庇護這座美麗的島嶼Because they believe in this beautiful island refuge

這裏是-----Here is -----

瑯歧Fraunhofer differences

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