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The story takes place in medieval Europe (14th century). King Stephen and King Leah gave birth to little princess aurora. People all over the country congratulated the king and queen for this.


At the baptism ceremony of the birth of the princess, there are three good fairies. They are huala fairies, jade fairies and blue sky fairies. They take turns to give the little princess good wishes.


After the blessing of the second fairy, the evil black witch Mel faysant suddenly appeared in the hall and cursed the princess in the name of blessing.


After melfercent left with a wild smile, everyone was frightened. But the third fairy had not blessed the princess. She changed the curse of death to the curse of deep sleep. The princess had to get the prince's kiss of true love to wake up.


But unexpectedly, even if three fairies tried their best to help, the curse could not be avoided, so Princess Aurora could not wake up.


Finally, Prince Philip, who is in love with the princess, conquers all kinds of difficulties and defeats melfisant, and goes to the top of the tower to break the princess's curse with the kiss of true love.

最後,與公主互生情愫的菲利普王子為愛劈荊斬棘、克服萬難、打敗梅爾菲森特,登上塔頂用真愛之吻破解了公主的魔咒 。


《睡美人》創作於1959年,改編自夏爾·佩羅和格林兄弟版本的同名童話故事。華特·迪斯尼為了能夠完美的打造這部影片,僅拍攝就花費了6年時間。在制作這部動畫之前,動畫設計師就在電影的每壹個鏡頭中做了壹個真人參考,有現場演員身穿類似的服裝擔任模特,而這些模特大多都是經過迪斯尼篩選而任的 。

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