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New technique of the computer network 電腦網絡新技術Abstract 摘要The 21 century is an ages of the information economy, being the computer network technique of representative techniques this ages, will be at very fast speed develop soon in continuously creatively, and will go deep into the people's work, life and study. Therefore, control this technique and then seem to be more to deliver the importance. Now I mainly introduce the new technique of a few networks in actuality live of application.

21世紀是壹個信息經濟時代.,電腦網絡技術更是這壹時代的標誌性技術。它必將更快更廣的深入到人們的學習,工作和生活中,因此掌握並發展這項技術是十分重要的。在這裏,我要介紹這項新技術在壹些網絡中的實際應用。Keywords 關鍵詞:Internet Digital Certificates Digital Wallets Grid Storage

互聯網數字證書 電子錢包 網絡存儲 (如果妳是看的教材的話,應該有翻譯的,去找找,更準確)1. Foreword1. 前言:Internet turns 36, still a work in progress 互聯網發展至今已經36年了,但它仍處於發展中Thirty-six years after computer scientists at UCLA linked two bulky computers using a 15-foot gray cable, testing a new way for exchanging data over networks, what would ultimately become the Internet remains a work in progress. 36年前,(加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校)UCLA計算機專家們用15英尺長的灰色電纜連接了2臺龐大的電腦以測試網絡數據交換的新方法。 經過了36年的發展,互聯網的最終形成仍然是壹項未完的工作。University researchers are experimenting with ways to increase its capacity and speed. Programmers are trying to imbue Web pages with intelligence. And work is underway to re-engineer the network to reduce spam(junk mail) and security troubles.

大學研究人員正在試驗如何提高網絡容量和速度。程序員正在努力開發智能網頁,並重新制造網絡以降低垃圾郵件和安全隱患。All the while threats loom: Critics warn that commercial, legal and political pressures could hinder the types of innovations that made the Internet what it is today.

危險也是壹直隱約可見的:評論家們警告說來自商業,法律和政治的壓力都會阻礙形成現在互聯網的革新技術的發展。Stephen Crocker and Vinton Cerf were among the graduate students who joined UCLA professor Len Kleinrock in an engineering lab on Sept. 2, 1969, as bits of meaningless test data flowed silently between the two computers. By January, three other "nodes" joined the fledgling network.

Stephen Crocker and Vinton Cerf 是在1969年9月2日,參加UCLA Len Kleinrock教授工程實驗室的其中2個學生, 見證了那些無意義的數據在2臺電腦間默默的傳遞。到1月份,另外3個“節點”也加入到了這個初顯成形的網絡中。

Then came e-mail a few years later, a core communications protocol called TCP/IP in the late 70s, the domain name system in the 80s and the World Wide Web - now the second most popular application behind e-mail - in 1990. The Internet expanded beyond its initial military and educational domain into businesses and homes around the world.

幾年後,電子郵件出現了。70年代是被稱為TCP/IP的核心通信協議,80年代到了域名系統, 而今的90年代萬維網已經變成繼電子郵件之後第二受歡迎的應用程序了。互聯網也從最初的軍事和教育領域發展到了的世界各地的商業和家庭裏。Today, Crocker continues work on the Internet, designing better tools for collaboration. And as security chairman for the Internet's key oversight body, he is trying to defend the core addressing system from outside threats. 現在, Crocker仍然在致力於設計更好的協作工具。 並且作為互聯網安全主席, 他也在努力防護核心處理系統使其避免來自外部的威脅。

He acknowledges the Internet he helped build is far from finished, and changes are in store to meet growing demands for multimedia. Network providers now make only "best efforts" at delivering data packets, and Crocker said better guarantees are needed to prevent the skips and stutters now common with video.

他承認互聯網的建立遠未完成,並且為了滿足不斷增漲的多媒體需求,變化可能會隨時產生。 然而網絡供應商能做到最好的僅僅是提供數據包,但Crocker卻認為他們需要更好的阻止視頻跳段和卡音的常見現象。

Cerf, now at MCI Inc., said he wished he could have designed the Internet with security built-in. Microsoft Corp., Yahoo Inc. and America Online Inc., among others, are currently trying to retrofit the network so e-mail senders can be authenticated - a way to cut down on junk messages sent using spoofed addresses.

MCI 公司的Cerf說, 他希望能將內建安全系統與互聯網設計在壹起。微軟,雅虎和美國在線公司現在正努力修整網絡,希望以壹種確認郵件發送者的方式來降低虛假地址發送垃圾信息的數量。Many features being developed today wouldn't have been possible at birth given the slower computing speeds and narrower Internet pipes, or bandwidth, Cerf said.in most major Web browsers and commercial Web servers.

Cerf說 因為絕大多數網絡瀏覽器和商業網絡服務器從成型開始就有計算速度慢和互聯網通道窄的缺陷,所以許多現在的改進設置並不可能被使用。

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