當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 編程語言 - 數據庫的題目



--妳第壹個大問題 x-y根本沒關系 x-z有直接的關系 y只是課程名字啥子的 x可以算z的父表 y也是z的父表 x跟y 可以說是平級的也是 x和y就像 人的特征 和人會的技能 x+y=人

create table stu_dent(

stu_id int primary key identity(1000,1),

stu_xuehao int unique not null,

stu_name varchar(10) not null,

stu_sex varchar(2) check(stu_sex='男'or stu_sex='女'),

stu_age int check(stu_age>0 and stu_age<100),

stu_ximing varchar(20) not null,

stu_shengao int check(stu_shengao>0 and stu_shengao<200),


insert into stu_dent values(2001,'小黃','男',20,'英語',152)

insert into stu_dent values(2002,'小麗','男',20,'數學',152)

insert into stu_dent values(2003,'小王','男',20,'語文',152)

insert into stu_dent values(2004,'小張','男',20,'物理',152)

insert into stu_dent values(2005,'小幕','男',20,'生物',152)

insert into stu_dent values(2006,'張飛','男',20,'計算機',152)

insert into stu_dent values(2007,'小飛','男',20,'計算機',152)

insert into stu_dent values(2008,'張三','男',20,'計算機',152)--插入數據

select *from stu_dent

create table stu_course(

stu_id int primary key identity(1000,1),

--stu_xh int references stu_dent(stu_xuehao),

stu_kh int unique not null,--課號

stu_km varchar(20) ,--課名

stu_ks varchar(50)not null,--課時

stu_xkh varchar(20) not null,--先行課


insert into stu_course values (15,'英語','40','語文')

insert into stu_course values (12,'物理','40','數學')

insert into stu_course values (10,'生物','40','英語')

insert into stu_course values (4,'語文','40','物理')

insert into stu_course values (3,'計算機','40','英語')--插入數據

create table stu_xuanke(

stu_xuh int references stu_dent(stu_xuehao) not null,

stu_kehao int references stu_course(stu_kh) not null,

stu_chegnji int not null,


insert into stu_xuanke values(2001,15,55)

insert into stu_xuanke values(2001,3,55)

insert into stu_xuanke values(2001,12,99)

insert into stu_xuanke values(2001,10,66)

insert into stu_xuanke values(2001,4,44)

insert into stu_xuanke values(2008,15,55)

insert into stu_xuanke values(2008,3,55)

insert into stu_xuanke values(2008,12,99)

insert into stu_xuanke values(2008,10,66)

insert into stu_xuanke values(2008,4,44)

insert into stu_xuanke values(2002,15,55)

insert into stu_xuanke values(2006,3,100)

insert into stu_xuanke values(2007,3,101)

insert into stu_xuanke values(2007,15,18)--插入數據

--/////////////////////////////////////////壹下就是 三個問題的查詢語句 ///////////////////////////////////////

select stu_kh,stu_km from stu_course join stu_xuanke on stu_kehao=stu_kh where stu_xuh in(select stu_xuh from stu_xuanke where stu_kehao=(select stu_kh from stu_course where stu_km='計算機'))--第壹個問題

select stu_name from stu_dent where stu_xuehao in(select stu_xuh from stu_xuanke where stu_kehao=(select stu_kh from stu_course where stu_km='英語'))--第二個問題

select count(*) ,stu_xuh from stu_xuanke join stu_dent on stu_xuehao=stu_xuh where stu_xuehao in(select stu_xuehao from stu_dent) group by stu_xuh having count(*)=5--最後個問題

--記得哦以後有這麽有趣的題目通知我哦 我也好久沒玩SQL

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