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人物:唐僧、孫悟空、豬八戒、沙僧、白骨精、女兒、老頭、老太婆、四小妖場景:三座假山 音樂開始,唐僧師徒四人走上,唐僧做騎馬狀,孫悟空在前面打望,八戒跟在唐僧周圍,沙僧挑擔跟後。 唐僧:徒弟們,前面地勢險要,難以行走,大家要小心哪! Apprentic, the road is rough, watch your step!悟空:師傅,放心吧。有我呢。 Master, don’t worry, I’m here.八戒:沒事的,猴哥在前面探路。 Yes, nothing dangerous, brother monkey is ahead. 師徒四人做艱難行走的樣子,在舞臺上兜壹圈,之後唐僧停下,三位徒弟圍上來,唐僧作擦汗的樣子。 唐僧:走了半天,已經餓了,在這裏歇息壹下。悟空,妳看看哪裏有人家,去化些齋來吧! We’ve walked so far, I’m hungry. Let’s have a rest. Wukong, please go to get some food.悟空:好吧,我馬上去,但只怕這荒山野嶺,沒有人煙,化不到齋飯,先讓我去看壹看。 Ok, I am going right now , but I’m afraid I can’t get any food for I don’t see any houses here. 悟空作蹦跳狀,踏上其中壹座山頭頂,手搭涼棚,作四處觀望狀,再跳下山來,跑到唐僧面前,單腿跪下稟報。 悟空:師傅,這裏確實沒有人煙,但我看見遠處山上有壹片紅色的地方,好象是桃子熟了,等我去摘壹些來,拿給師傅和師弟們充饑。 Master, there’s really no people around here, but I see some peaches. I’ll go to get some for you.唐僧:好吧,快去快回。 All right! Come back soon.悟空轉身欲走,又想起了什麽。轉過身來,對大家說。 悟空:師傅,這裏山勢險峻,陰風陣陣,只怕有妖精出沒,待我畫壹個圈把妳們圍起來,我沒有回來,妳們不要踏出圈外。 Master, It’s look terrified here, I’m afraid here’s a sprit, let me draw a circle, don’t go out until I’m back.唐僧:好吧。All right.八戒:好好的,畫什麽圈呢。(作不高興狀)Why do you draw a circle?沙僧:大師兄壹片好心哪。(勸八戒) 悟空用金箍棒圍繞唐僧等畫了壹圈。 悟空:八戒、沙僧,好好保護師傅,我馬上就回來。 Bajie, Shaseng take good care of the master, I’ll be back soon.沙僧:大師兄,放心去吧。Big brother, just go ahead. 悟空蹦跳著下去了。 八戒:走得這麽辛苦,還要呆在這猴子畫的圈裏。 We’re so tired, Why do we have to stay in the circle?沙僧:二師兄,不要這麽說,好好休息壹下,等待大師兄回來吧。 Second brother, don’t complain. Let’s have a rest and wait for the big brother. 師徒三人坐在壹塊休息。遠處山上白骨精和四小妖探頭探腦,張望這邊。白骨精走出來,四小妖跟在後面。 白骨精:遠處來了幾個人,估計是西天取經的唐僧到了,聽說吃了他的肉能長生不老,哈哈!可終於讓我等到這壹天了。Some people are coming this way. One is supposed to be TangSeng. It’s said that we will be immortal if we eat him.小妖們:恭喜大王,恭喜大王!Congratulations! Congratulations!小妖甲:我們去把唐僧抓來獻給大王。(作出準備出發的樣子) Let us get him!白骨精:回來!唐僧哪是妳們能抓得回來的?他周圍的幾個徒弟個個神通廣大,妳們去了只有送死。Come back! How can you get him?His prentices are so powerful that you won’t win .小妖甲:大王,那可怎麽辦?What to do, my master?白骨精:我自有辦法!唐僧逃不出我的手掌心。看我怎樣把唐僧抓回來。(猙獰地笑) I have an idea! TangSeng won’t escape. Just wait and see! 白骨精作潛行的姿態,躲入舞臺中間的山後,其余小妖躲回舞臺邊的山後,壹陣煙霧,中間的山後走出壹個年輕女子,手提竹籃,內放食物,走到臺上,並逐步向唐僧這邊靠過來。 八戒:(看到女子,高興地跳起來)師傅,師傅,猴哥說這山裏沒有人家,妳看那裏,不是 走來了壹個小媳婦嗎?可能還拿著吃的東西呢。Master, Master, Brother Monkey said it’s barren here. But you look, is that a young lady? Maybe she has something to eat.唐僧:是啊,八戒妳去看看吧。Maybe! Go and have a look, BaJie。沙僧:師傅,不能這樣,大師兄說了,這裏可能有妖精出沒,我們要待在師兄畫的圈子裏才對。 No, Master. Big Brother said that there might be genies. We’d better stay in the circle he drew.唐僧:八戒,不要去了,還是休息壹下,等妳師兄回來吧。 Ok, So don’t go. Let’s take a rest and wait for your brother.八戒:什麽都聽猴哥的。(不高興地坐下)Why should we always defer him?! 小女子靠近唐僧師徒,並向八戒微笑示意,八戒高興地跳起來,跑出圈外。 八戒:女施主,我們幾個是去西天取經的,路過此地,現感到餓了,不知道女施主有沒有齋飯施舍。 Madam, we are all going to the west for Buddhist scriptures. And we feel hungry right now. Could you please dole us something?小女子:我這裏有壹些饅頭,準備送給在田裏耕種的丈夫的,妳們是出家人,就請先用吧。 I have some steamed bread for my husband,who is working in the field. Here you are since you’re monks.八戒高興地從籃子裏拿過兩塊饅頭,這時,孫悟空上臺。從後面遠遠地打量這個小女子。 八戒:師傅,師傅,妳看這女施主多好,給我們送齋飯來。(做出準備吃饅頭的樣子) Master, Master, How kind she is.悟空:呆子,就妳好吃,把饅頭退給她。Stop, you silly! Give them back to her.(八戒嚇得馬 上把饅頭扔回籃子裏,悟空沖上前來擋在小女子與八戒之間,並仔細打量女子,女子 非常緊張,連忙躲避。唐僧、沙僧也已起來,走出圈外) 悟空:(回到唐僧那裏)我看過這荒山野嶺根本沒有人煙,師傅,不要吃這女子的東西,吃 我帶來的桃子吧。(呈上桃子)Don’t eat her stuff, Master, because it’s barren here. Please eat these peaches.八戒:(跑到女子那裏,並拿過籃子)放著好好的齋飯不吃,吃什麽桃子!這能吃飽嗎?師 傅吃饅頭吧。 Why not eat the nice meal? How can we get full with these peaches? Master, please eat these steamed bread.八戒提著籃子跑到唐僧面前,小女子緊跟其後,挨近唐僧。悟空連忙把女子推開。 悟空:妳這妖精,不準打我師傅的主意,否則我饒不了妳。 You’re a bad spirit. If you hurt my master, I will never forgive you.小女子:師傅救命,我不是妖怪。(邊說邊躲到唐僧後面,唐僧出來勸阻) Help me, master, I’m not a spirit.唐僧:悟空,不得傷害無辜。(唐僧後面的女子作出要撲殺唐僧的樣子) Stop! Wukong! You should not hurt an innocent person!悟空:休傷我師傅,看棒!Don’t hurt my master! Look what I have!(舉棒打向唐僧後面的女 子,女子嚇得逃命,邊逃邊喊救命,跑到靠山的地方,被悟空壹棒打倒,慘叫倒下, 滾入山後,壹陣煙霧)唐僧:悟空,妳怎能傷害無辜。Wukong! How can you do that? You can’t hurt an innocent man!悟空:師傅,它是妖精,妳看她拿來的食物。Look at the food she brought for us, Master! (八戒去籃中拿起東西壹看,是石頭、青蛙之類的東西)沙僧:剛才這籃裏明明是能吃的齋飯,怎麽現在變成了石頭和蟲子。 Oh no! All of the food turned into the rocks and bugs?唐僧:原來真的是妖怪?She is a really bad spirit, isn’t she?八戒:師傅不要信那猴頭,這是猴哥使的障眼法來騙您的。Master, don’t believe that monkey, He’s treating.沙僧:二師兄,不得胡說!Elder brother, don’t way that.唐僧:悟空,出家人慈悲為懷,即便那女子是妖怪,也不要將她打死。 Wukong, be kind. Don’t kill her even though she was a monster.悟空:師傅教導得是,徒弟下次不敢了。師傅請吃桃子。 Yes, master, I never do it again. Have a peach, please. 師徒幾人正在吃東西,山後白骨精望著他們獰笑幾聲,再躲入山後。接著山後又出來壹位老太太,邊走邊喊:女兒啊,女兒啊!慢慢靠近唐僧。 八戒:師傅,妳看,猴哥打死的那女子,根本不是妖怪,現在她媽媽來找女兒了。 Master, you see, that girl was not a monster. Here comes her mother.唐僧:啊?悟空惹下禍了,這可如何是好?(做焦急的狀態) What? Wukong made a big? What shall we do?悟空:師傅,不要理她,這還是個妖怪。Master, leave her alone. She is also a monster.八戒:別人明明是來找女兒的,哪來這麽多妖怪。 It’s clear that she’s coming for her daughter. She’s not a monster. 老太婆走近唐僧師徒,行禮,唐僧答理。 老太婆:敢問幾位師傅,可曾看見我的女兒?Excuse me ,did you see my daughter?八戒:妳看妳看,別人來找女兒了吧。看妳們怎麽辦?(唐僧緊張得不知道如何回答) Look, she’s coming for her daughter. What should you do ?悟空:妳這妖怪,剛才未曾打死妳,現在又想來害我師傅,看棒!(壹棍下去,老太婆尖叫倒地,滾入山後,唐僧氣得渾身發抖。) You monster. I didn’t kill you just now. you want to play aa trick again.Watch!唐僧:妳這潑猴,怎麽不問壹問就打?(悟空正想解釋)you naughty monkey, why not ask first?八戒:師傅,這猴子妳不用緊箍咒教訓壹下他,是改不了的了。 Master, he will never change. You should give him a lesson with the magic spell. 唐僧念緊箍咒,悟空疼得慘叫,抱頭奔躥打滾,八戒幸災樂禍的樣子,沙僧內心焦急,決定上前勸阻。 沙僧:師傅,大師兄壹路上降妖除魔,忠心耿耿,是不會亂傷無辜的,請師傅饒了他吧。(唐僧停了下來) Master, eldest brother is royal. He will not good people, please stop.唐僧:即便是妖精,出家人也不應殺生,這次教訓壹下妳,如若再犯,定和妳斷絕師徒關系。 We shouldn’t kill anybody even if it’s a monster. If you do it again. Don’t call me master any more. 沙僧將悟空扶起,悟空又跑去扶住唐僧。 悟空:師傅,天色不早了,我們繼續趕路吧。Master, it’s late. Let’s go on! 師徒四人在臺上走了壹圈,同時遠處山後白骨精探頭觀望後,再從山後變出壹個老頭,站在舞臺邊,作探望狀。 八戒:前面有戶人家,我們去那裏歇息吧。There’s a house over there. Let’s go and have a rest.悟空:那裏有妖精,師傅,不要去那裏。我們走別的路吧。 The monster is there. Master, let’s take the other way.唐僧:明明是壹個老頭,哪來的妖精(師徒四人走過去,老頭也迎上來) He’s really an old man, not a monster.唐僧:老施主,我們是去往西天取經的和尚,經過此地,想在此歇息壹陣,不知方便否? Sir, we’re the works to the west.老頭:東土高僧前來,老朽自然高興。只是今天早上我女兒外出送飯,至今未回,老伴出去 尋找也不見蹤影,不知高僧壹路上是否看到? I’m so glad to see you! My daughter went out this morning, been back yet, so did my wife. Did you see them?八戒:妳看,妳看,都說不是妖怪,都怪這猴哥,把他們全打死了。 (沙僧準備阻止他也來不及了) See. I have told you that they were not monsters. It’s the monkey’s fault.老頭:什麽?我的女兒和老伴都被這猴子打死了?(唐僧慚愧地點頭承認,悟空冷眼旁觀) 還我的女兒和老伴來。這位師傅,妳怎麽有這樣的徒弟?還敢去西天取經?(唐僧羞 愧地走開) What? My daughter and wife were killed by the monkey? Bring them back to me. Sir, how can you be his master? How dare you go to the west?悟空:妳這妖怪,三番四次來打我師傅的主意,前兩次未曾打死妳,現在又來騙人,我豈能 饒妳?看打! You monster, I didn’t killed you for the last two times. And now you play the trick again. Watch! (悟空追逐老頭,老頭跑到唐僧後面求助,唐僧馬上念緊箍咒,悟空痛倒在地,八戒幸災樂禍,沙僧焦急萬分,先懇求唐僧停止念咒,老頭躲在後面偷笑,並準備抓唐僧。沙僧又跑過去扶悟空,老頭見有機可乘,撲向唐僧,悟空見狀,奮起打向老頭,老頭慘叫摔到山後,山邊幾位小妖驚呼:“這次大王真的被打死了,我們快跑吧Our queen really killed. Let’s go!”,就嚇得跑出來。八戒、沙僧壹人打死壹個,悟空打死兩個) 唐僧:怎麽真有妖怪?(沙僧跑到山後看,拿起壹個骨髏架子。) There is a real monster here.沙僧:師傅,大師兄沒打錯,這老頭確實是個妖怪,是白骨精變化成的。是這些小妖的大王。 Master, eldest brother was right. The old man is a real monster, It’s BaiGujing. She is the queen of these little monsters.悟空:師傅,這白骨精善於變化,先後變成小女子、老太婆、老頭,都是想來謀害妳的。沙僧:師傅,大師兄在大鬧天宮時煉就了火眼金晴,能識別妖魔的變化,是不會看錯的。 Master, eldest brother got a pain of bright and sharp eyes when he fought in the heaven. Of course he can tell the monsters.唐僧:原來如此,錯怪徒弟了。Oh, I see. It was my fault.八戒:大師兄真了不起。You’re really great, eldest brother.悟空:師傅,天色不早了,我們繼續上路吧。Master, It’s late, let’s go. 擺出造型,結束。

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