當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 編程語言 - R語言基本數據分析





1. 基本作圖(盒圖,qq圖)

#basic plot



2. 線性擬合

#linear regression

n = 10

x1 = rnorm(n)#variable 1

x2 = rnorm(n)#variable 2

y = rnorm(n)*3

mod = lm(y~x1+x2)

model.matrix(mod) #erect the matrix of mod

plot(mod) #plot residual and fitted of the solution, Q-Q plot and cook distance

summary(mod) #get the statistic information of the model

hatvalues(mod) #very important, for abnormal sample detection

3. 邏輯回歸

#logistic regression

x <- c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

y <- c(0, 9, 21, 47, 60, 63) # the number of successes

n <- 70 #the number of trails

z <- n - y #the number of failures

b <- cbind(y, z) # column bind

fitx <- glm(b~x,family = binomial) # a particular type of generalized linear model


plot(x,y,xlim=c(0,5),ylim=c(0,65)) #plot the points (x,y)

beta0 <- fitx$coef[1]

beta1 <- fitx$coef[2]

fn <- function(x) n*exp(beta0+beta1*x)/(1+exp(beta0+beta1*x))


curve(fn,0,5,ylim=c(0,60)) # plot the logistic regression curve

3. Bootstrap采樣

# bootstrap

# Application: 隨機采樣,獲取最大eigenvalue占所有eigenvalue和之比,並畫圖顯示distribution

dat = matrix(rnorm(100*5),100,5)

no.samples = 200 #sample 200 times

# theta = matrix(rep(0,no.samples*5),no.samples,5)

theta =rep(0,no.samples*5);

for (i in 1:no.samples)


j = sample(1:100,100,replace = TRUE)#get 100 samples each time

datrnd = dat[j,]; #select one row each time

lambda = princomp(datrnd)$sdev^2; #get eigenvalues

# theta[i,] = lambda;

theta[i] = lambda[1]/sum(lambda); #plot the ratio of the biggest eigenvalue


# hist(theta[1,]) #plot the histogram of the first(biggest) eigenvalue

hist(theta); #plot the percentage distribution of the biggest eigenvalue

sd(theta)#standard deviation of theta


4. ANOVA方差分析

#Application:判斷壹個自變量是否有影響 (假設我們餵3種維他命給3頭豬,想看餵維他命有沒有用)


y = rnorm(9); #weight gain by pig(Yij, i is the treatment, j is the pig_id), 壹般由用戶自行輸入

#y = matrix(c(1,10,1,2,10,2,1,9,1),9,1)

Treatment <- factor(c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3)) #each {1,2,3} is a group

mod = lm(y~Treatment) #linear regression


#解釋:Df(degree of freedom)

#Sum Sq: deviance (within groups, and residuals) 總偏差和

# Mean Sq: variance (within groups, and residuals) 平均方差和

# compare the contribution given by Treatment and Residual

#F value: Mean Sq(Treatment)/Mean Sq(Residuals)

#Pr(>F): p-value. 根據p-value決定是否接受Hypothesis H0:多個樣本總體均數相等(檢驗水準為0.05)

qqnorm(mod$residual) #plot the residual approximated by mod

#如果qqnorm of residual像壹條直線,說明residual符合正態分布,也就是說Treatment帶來的contribution很小,也就是說Treatment無法帶來收益(多餵維他命少餵維他命沒區別)


(左)用 y = matrix(c(1,10,1,2,10,2,1,9,1),9,1)和

(右)y = rnorm(9);

的結果。可見如果給定豬吃維他命2後體重特別突出的數據結果後,qq圖種residual不在是壹條直線,換句話說residual不再符合正態分布,i.e., 維他命對豬的體重有影響。

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