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* Civilians 平民


Freed Slave 獲釋的奴隸



- What can I do? 我能做點什麽

- Will work for food! 去為傻瓜工作吧

- Liberty is sweet 自由真甜美

- How can I help? 我能幫忙麽


- Sure! 好啊

- Ohh-de-doo-de-doo

- Do I still need this shovel? 我還要這把鐵鍬麽

- Hm Okay! 嗯 好的


- Payback time! 償還的時間到了

- Got my shovel right here! 來吃我壹鐵鍬吧

- They pushed me too far! 他們逼迫我太深了

- Charge! (我要)賒帳

- Swing away (用鍬)揮掉


- Ouch! 哎喲

- Hey, quit it! 嘿 停下

- That's not fair! 真不公平啊

- You bully! 妳這欺淩弱小者

Professor Einstein 愛因斯坦教授



- Here I am 我在這兒

- I have this theory 我懂這項理論

- Don't rush me, I am thinking 不要催我 我在思考

- Ja (德)是


- Ah, I see 啊 我明白

- Oh, ja! 哦 是

- Wonderful! 太棒了

- I understand 我知道

- A to B A至B


- Back to the lab! 快回實驗室

- I'm dying for science 我要為科學獻身了

- This was not smart 這不聰明

- Whos idea was this? 誰出的主意


- Isn't anyone coming to save me? 有人來救我麽

- Finally, it's about time 終於來了 還及時

Premier Romanov 若曼諾夫總理



- I'm Premier you know 我是總理 妳知道

- I have legacy to consider! 我有(斯大林的)遺願要思考

- Which way, comrade? 走哪條路 同誌

- Guide me to safety 把我領向平安


- I will consider it 我會考慮的

- At my own pace 照著我自己的步伐走

- On to victory 針對勝利

- For Soviet glory 為蘇維埃的榮譽

- These boots are too tight 這雙靴子太緊了


- How dare you? 妳怎麽敢(這樣)

- I'll get you for that 我要為那處置妳

- Oh mother Russia 哦 蘇俄母親

- Save me! 救我


- uuuh... Y-Yuri is calling me... 呃 尤裏在召喚我

- These are plans for Iron Curtain. Use on our Demolotion Trucks

to make ultimate weapon of destruction!

這些是鐵幕裝置的設計圖 把它使用在我們的自爆卡車上 成為終極的毀滅武器

- I... am in Yuri's base... Help me Comrade General... 我 在尤裏的基地內 幫助我 指揮官同誌

- Get me to airport! 送我前去機場

Arnnie Frankenfurter 阿爾尼 弗蘭肯弗特



- Your orders, give them to me 您的命令 傳達給我

- I'm pumped up 我準備行動

- Find me something to terminate 給我些東西來報銷

- I'm ready to rumble 我正好想打架


- Nice night full of walk 多麽美的夜晚 多散散步

- Aaa


- You're terminated! 妳被消滅了

- You've been erased 妳不存在了

- Let me pump you up 讓我幹掉妳

- It's judgement day 現在是審判的那天

- Take these, girly man 來嘗嘗這個 娘娘腔


- We got company 我們有同伴了

- Things are not good here 這兒壹切都不好

- We are under attack 我們正遭受襲擊

- More predators 如此多的掠奪者

- Gwah!


- You can't control me 妳不能控制我

- I still have total recall 我依然擁有全部的記憶

- My mind is my own 我思想屬於我自己

- Yuri sent these puny weaklings to feed me to his Grinder and

give his men funds. Harvest my rage, Commander, and show Yuri's

girly man what it means to be powerful!

尤裏派出這些微不足道的僂僂 他們想要把我送進研磨裝置來提供他們人資金

集中我的憤怒 指揮官 給尤裏的僂僂們看看什麽是著真正的威力

Flint Westwood 夫林特 西木



- I was born ready 我生來就準備好了

- Call me Harry 叫我哈雷

- Meet Smith & Wesson 見見使密斯和維生吧

- 45 in the hostess 在45號的女主人那兒


- Ready to go? 準備出發麽

- Down & dirty 既倒黴又骯臟

- Magnum on the move 大塊頭行動中

- Runnin' the gauntlet (亦有開始挑戰之意)順夾道奔跑

- Walkin' the tightrope 沿直線行動


- I'll blow'em a way 我會把他們解決掉

- In the line of fire 處在火力口上

- Take this advice, punk! 嘗嘗這玩樣兒 廢物


- It's rainin' lead 下起彈雨來了

- Deep in to deadpool here! 深陷死亡之淵


- Don't mess with my head! 不要給我亂攪和

- Try me again, punk 在試壹下 廢物

Sammy Stallion 薩米 (種馬)斯堆利安



- Yo! 喲

- I'm their worst nightmare 我是他們最糟的噩夢

- Ready for round one 準備來第壹回合


- Yo, I'm there! 喲 我在這兒

- Fancy footwook 嗜好徒步行走

- You know it 妳清楚它

- Allright, sound like a plan 好啊 聽起來像個計劃


- You ain't so bad 妳不那麽的壞

- You want war? You got it 妳需要戰爭 妳得到它了

- You ain't nothing 妳並非壹文不值

- You're the disease I'm the cure 妳是疾病 而我是良方


- They've hittin' pretty hard 它們使我傷得很重

- This ain't looking so good 看起來並不好

- Hey yo, how 'bout some help here? 嘿 能否在這援助壹下


- Yo, you can't scramble my brains 喲 妳不能控制我的大腦

- Yo, nice try! 喲 好身手

- I ain't even got a headache 我甚至連頭痛都沒有

- Yo, my mom hits harder then that! 喲 我媽媽打得比那還狠

- I got a hard head 我的頭很硬朗

- Yo, thanks for getting me out Commander! 喲 感謝您救我出來 指揮官

Secret Service 特工



- I'll take the bullet 我願(承擔)被挨子彈(的風險)

- Agent in the field 特工在區域中

- Secret service here 特工在這兒

- Need an escort? 需要保鏢麽

- Assignment sir? 什麽任務 長官

- What's your clearance level? 您通行證是什麽等級


- Securing the erea 確保該區域安全

- Scanning perimeter 審察界線(的範圍)

- Right away sir 立刻行動 長官

- Assignment recieved 收到任務


- He's doesn't belong here 他不應(出現)在這裏

- He's a threat 他會構成威脅

- No witnesses 無人(在場)目擊

- Executing assignment 執行任務

* Allied Infantry 盟軍步兵


G.I. 美國大兵



- Sir yes sir 長官 是 長官

- Ready 準備就緒

- Squared away sir (美口語 原收拾好 整理好之意)整裝完畢 長官

- Orders? 下命令吧

- How 'bout some action? 可以行動了麽

- Can do 執行

- Who's nest? 下壹個


- Move'n out 出發

- Got it 好

- On my way 行經中

- Double time (美軍軍步的壹種 每分鐘180步前進)快步走

- On the move 移動中

- Hooah!


- Attacking 開始射擊

- You got it 妳瞄準它

- Enemy sighted 發現敵人

- Let's do it 讓我們著手吧

- Diggin' in 修築戰壕

- Safety first, sir 安全首位 長官


- We're pinned down! 我們受到壓制

- We're being attacked! 我們遭受攻擊

Allied Engineer 盟軍工兵



- Engineering 準備(進行)工程

- I have the tools 我帶好了工具

- I've got the knowledge 我具備知識

- Need a repair? 需要修復麽


- Yes sir 是 長官

- Moving 行動

- I won't be late 我不會遲到


- Analying schematics 設計圖分析中

- Studying blue prints 藍圖研究中

- Got the plans right here 在這兒著手設計(的工作)


- Get me outa here! 救我脫離困境

- I'm unarmed! 我只是徒手的


- We'll have the power up in 30 seconds, sir 我們會在30秒內得到電力 長官

Guardian G.I. 重裝大兵



- Tanks are no match 坦克不是(我)對手

- We're uncrushable! 我們不會被碾壓

- Let's show'em what we got 讓敵人看看我們的武器

- Solid as a rock, Sir 堅如磐石 長官

- On the mark, Sir 按照記號(指示) 長官

- Sir yes sir 長官 是 長官


- Move 行動

- Right away, Sir 立刻 長官

- Repositioning 轉移陣地中

- Affirmative, Sir 贊成 長官

- Let's move out 讓我們出發吧


- He's mine 它是我的

- They want a scrap? 它們想變成碎片

- We'll take' em 我們會幹掉它們

- I'm all over him 我全部都超過了它


- I need a medic 我需要醫師

- It's too much 受夠了

- I'm hit bad 我傷得很重

- I can't take anymore 我受不了了

- They're right on top of me 它們絕對比我(還)厲害

Rocketeer 火箭飛行兵



- Rockets in the sky 藍天中的火箭兵

- All fired up! 全部開火

- Check out the view 來欣賞壹下風景吧

- I can go anywhere! 我能去任何地方

- Gotta clear view, sir 獲得了清晰的視野 長官

- Ready to soar 準備翺翔

- Fuel tanks are filled 燃料箱灌滿了


- Pushin' away 推進中

- Igniting boosters 推進器點火

- Riding High 高高得飛翔

- Up and over 上下翻滾

- Got a steady flow 進入平緩的氣流

- I'll take the high road 我會在高處飛

- Lifting off 起飛


- He's got no place to hide 他無處藏身

- I can see' em 我能看見它們

- I got' em 我瞄準了它們

- Clear out the place 清除該區域

- They won't see us comin 他們看不道我們過來


- I'm losing compression! 我(的推進器)在喪失壓力

- There's too much flak! 防空炮火太猛了

- My rocket's hit 我的火箭受損了

SEAL 海豹突擊隊員



- SEAL ready 海豹隊員就緒

- I'm your man 我是妳們的人

- A lil' C4 knockin' at your door 微量C4正在敲妳的家門

- Who's your daddy? 誰是妳爹爹


- Hoorah!

- Cover me 掩護我

- How about a swim? 可以遊泳麽


- Enemy in my sites! 敵人進入我的範圍

- I got' em 我瞄準了他們

- This is too easy 太容易了


- Special Delivery 獨特的(爆破)攻擊

- Goin' down! 沈掉吧

- Alright, the water's warm 好啊 水真溫暖

Spy 間諜



- Commander? 指揮官

- Mission sir? 什麽任務 長官

- Give me a plan 告訴我計劃

- Agent ready 特工就緒


- Operation underway 行動進行之中

- Indeed 當然


- Disguise ready 完成偽裝


- They found me out! 他們發現我了

- I've been spotted! 我被認出來了


- Ready to infiltrate 準備潛入

- Obtaining intelligence 獲得情報

Chrono Legionnaire 時空轉換兵



- Yes, commander 是 長官

- Already there 已經到那兒了

- I'm gone 我已經離開了

- Pick a spot 指出地點

- Without a trace 來無影 去無蹤


- They're history 它們成歷史了

- Deconstructin' it 銷毀它

- Never existed 永不存在

- Removing (目標被)遷移中


- I don't have time for this! 我沒時間玩這個

- Let's get outa here! 讓我們脫離困境

- Cover me! 掩護我

Tanya 譚雅


"Let's Rock & Roll!" 讓我們搖滾吧


"Nothing can stop me!" 沒什麽可以阻止我

"No fear - Tanya's here" 不要害怕 譚雅來到了


- What's up? 有事麽

- I'm the best there is 我是這兒最棒的

- Untouchable 無人可及

- I hear ya 我在聽您呢

- I'm so good 我太出色了


- Let's go 我們行動吧

- Gotcha 知道了

- Let's get to it 我們出發吧

- Nothing to stop me 沒什麽能阻攔我


- Bag' em up 獵殺掉他們

- Yihaaa

- Another loser 又壹個要被幹掉了


- I'm hit 我受傷了

- Just a scratch 只是檫傷而已

- That all you got? 就那點本事麽

- Heyhey, watch it 嘿 當心


- One short swim to Alcatraz, and I'll blow that Psychic Contraption sky-high!

遊過短短的路線抵達阿爾克綽茲(舊金山彎中的小島) 我就能把那心靈裝置炸上天

- This time, Yuri's going down! 這次 尤裏完蛋了

- What? Yeah, right, Boris is skilled. Look at me, I can call in an airstrike! Please

什麽 好 對 勃瑞茨真是訓練有素啊 看我啊 我能召集空襲 別這樣

- Games over Yuri, you're about to lose! 遊戲結束了尤裏 妳正瀕臨失敗

- You know, It might be easier to sneak me across the river then

to get an entire army over the bridge 您清楚 讓我來遊過河遠比讓整支部隊駛過橋更加簡單

- No problem, I'm trained to resist mind control 毫無問題 我被訓練過怎樣免疫心靈控制

- Mind control? Yeah, right 心靈控制 好 對

- No one mind controls Tanya 沒人能心靈控制譚雅

- Those psychic tricks don't work on me 那些心靈(控制)的把戲對我無效

- Get outa my brain! 從我腦海裏滾出去

- No fear, Tanya's here 不要害怕 譚雅在這兒

* Soviet Infantry 蘇軍步兵


Conscript 動員兵



- Waiting oerders 等待命令

- Comrade? 同誌

- Consript reporting 動員兵報到


- Moving out 出發

- Order recieved 得到命令

- For the Union 為了蘇聯

- Da (俄)是


- For home country 為了家鄉

- Attacking 射擊

- You are sure? 您肯定麽

- For mother Russia! 為蘇俄母親


- Mommy! 媽媽啊

- We're being attacked! 我們遭到攻擊

Soviet Engineer 蘇軍工兵



- Engineering 準備(進行)工程

- Tools ready 準備好工具

- I have the information 我掌握著資料

- Need a repair? 需要修繕麽

- Something need fixing? 有什麽需要修理麽

- I know how it works 我知道它怎樣運作


- Yes commander! 是 指揮官

- Moving 行動

- I will go 我會出發


- Need a repair? 需要修繕麽

- Examining diagrams 檢查圖表


- Get me outa here! 救我脫離困境

- I'm unarmed 我只是徒手的


- We'll have the power up in 30 seconds, sir 我們會在30秒內得到電力 長官

Flak Trooper 防空步兵



- Flack trooper reporting 防空炮兵報到

- Ready 準備就緒

- Orders, comrade? 什麽命令 同誌

- At least I have a job 起碼我有任務


- Da 是

- I'm going 我在行動

- Moving out 出發

- This gun is heavy 這詮苷娉漣?


- Flak attack! 高射炮開火

- This will be messy 把它打得壹塌糊塗吧

- Clouds of death 死亡的陰雲

- A little flak? 來壹小股火力


- Can't see through the flak 我看不清炮火後是什麽

- There shooting me. 那兒在朝我開火

- Help me Romanov 援助我 若曼諾夫總理

- I'm just one man 我就單獨壹人啊

Tesla Trooper 磁暴步兵



- Tesla suit ready 防磁服準備好了

- Charging up (電能)積蓄中

- Electrodes ready 電極就緒

- Checking connection 檢查連接

- Yes comrade 是 同誌


- Going to source 前往目的地

- Moving out 出發

- Yes comrade 是 同誌

- Surging forward 大步地前進

- Electrician in the field 磁暴步兵就位

- Rubber shoes in motion 橡膠靴在挪動


- 2,000 volts coming up 2,000伏特的高壓來了

- He's fried 他被燒焦了

- Completing circuit 使電路(變得)完整

- Let the juice flow 讓電流噴發出來吧

- Commencing Shock therapy 著手實施(電磁波的)沖擊療法


- Ground yourselves! 碾碎妳自己

- Reinforcements! 援助我

- I'm hit 我受傷了

Crazy Ivan 瘋狂伊文



- Yaah!

- K-Boom!

- Yaah? What's that? 啊 那是什麽

- Ivan's not home 伊文現在不在家

- It's too quiet here 這兒真安靜啊


- I'm goin' 我出發了

- Heh-heh-heh 嘿 嘿 嘿

- What's over here? 那兒有點什麽


- Happy Birthday! 生日快樂

- Here, hold this 給 拿好嘍

- I lost a bomb. Do you have it? 我丟了個炸彈 在妳這兒麽

- Don't play with matches 不要玩弄火柴啊

Boris 鮑裏斯


"Boris has arrived!" 勃瑞茨來了

"It is I, Boris!" 是我 勃瑞茨

"I have no fear" 我沒有恐懼心理

"Let the games begin" 開始遊戲吧

"You no match for Boris" 妳們不能和勃瑞茨相比


- Boris here 勃瑞茨在這兒

- Yes, comrade general 是 指揮官同誌

- Let's light them up 讓我來啟迪他們吧

- Don't mess with me 不要和我瞎攪和


- There's nothing I cannot do! 沒有我做不道的事情

- This will be easy 太簡單了

- Boris agrees 勃瑞茨贊成

- I have an important mission 我有重要任務

- Russia's fate with me 蘇俄命運與吾同在


- Die traitorous dogs! 去死吧 叛國的狗

- Eat lead 嘗嘗子彈

- Fools, you can't touch me! 傻瓜 妳碰不道我

- Who is next? 下壹個


- They are attacking us! 他們在襲擊我們

- It's very bad here, comrade 這兒情況很糟 同誌

- I'm hit! 我受傷了

- We must have reinforcements! 我們必須得到增援


- Bring on the MIGs

- Boris reporting 勃瑞茨報到

- Have I been gone somewhere, Comrade Zofia? 我剛才去過什麽地方麽 索非亞同誌

- I'm not swimming out there! Get me an Armored Transport from Shipyard

我不打算遊到那兒去 從船塢裏為我準備壹條裝甲運輸船

Cosmonaut/Lunar rocketeer 蘇宇航員/登月火箭飛行兵



- Gravity suit secured 確保重力服安全

- Cosmonaut reporting 宇航員報到

- Gravity? What's that? 引力麽 那是什麽

- Pressure gauges normal 壓力指標正常


- Rocketpacks fully charged 火箭筒貯滿燃料了

- Boosters engaged 增壓裝置運轉

- Shifting thrusters 操縱推進器

- Fuel mix optimized 燃料完全混合

- Light and fast 輕巧 迅速


- Tracking target 跟蹤目標

- Beam intensity locked 激光強度鎖定

- Lasers at full power 鐳射最大強度

- Time for laser show 激光表演的時間來了


- It's hard to manoeuvre 太難以控制了

- Vacuum suit is failing 真空服發生泄漏

- Fuelcells damaged 燃料電池遭到損壞


- Can't... breath! 不能 呼吸了 (其它五種不同的叫喊聲)

* Yuri Infantry 尤裏步兵


Initiate 尤裏新兵



- Yuri is master 尤裏是(我們的)主人

- I am but a student 我只是學生

- There is much to learn! 需要學習的太多了

- He has taught us well 他教導我們得很出色


- Learning the path 了解這兒路徑

- Hail to the great Yuri 向偉大的尤裏致敬

- Enlighten me (他)給我以啟迪

- I understand 明白了


- I don't need matches 我無須火柴

- Focusing energy! 集中能量

- Look! No hands! 看啊 (他們)毫無本事

- Guns are to messy 槍(對我來說)太差勁了


- Give me strength, Yuri! 請賜予我力量 尤裏

- Fire out of control! 火焰失去了控制

- It's hard to focus 這難以集中

- My life for Yuri! 我願為尤裏獻身

- Nonbelivers! (我)不信上帝

Yuri Engineer 尤裏工兵



- Is there problem? 有問題麽

- My tools are yours 我的工具是您給的

- How can I assist? 我能不能幫上忙

- I'm your handyman 我是您的副手

- Technician on duty 技師服役中


- Smooth operations 很輕松的行動

- Where is trouble 有麻煩麽

- May I help? 我可以幫忙麽

- I will investigate 我會去審查的

- Repairman on the move! 修理工出發


- Nice architecture! 多精美的建築啊

- This won't take much time 不會耗很長時間的

- I am working 我會(展開修理)工作

- Inspecting foreplan 檢查之前的計劃


- Help us! 救我們

- I'm only engineer! 我只是工兵啊

- I am wounded! 我受傷了

- I lost my tools! 我丟失了工具

- Hey, that hurt! 嘿 那會傷人的

Virus 病毒狙擊手



- Viral agent ready (過濾性)毒菌使者就緒

- Free inoculations 疫苗無效

- Here comes the plague 瘟疫要來了

- I am so very contagious 我最擅長傳播疾病

- Flu shots anyone? 用流感來射擊誰


- Which way is the wind blowing? 風朝哪個方向吹去

- Nasty bug going around 到處爬滿了令人作嘔的蟲子

- Virus speading 病毒正傳播開來

- Just get me in range 只要(能)讓我進入射程


- Time to infect 傳染的時機到了

- No cure for this 無法治愈

- How about a nice shot in the arm? 朝陣中射壹槍怎樣

- This may sting a little (被射中)會出現點刺痛之感

- Taste my venom 嘗嘗我的毒液

- Mmm, better got to the clinic 嗯 最好被送進治療中心


- I cannot hold them off 我防備不了他們

- I need an antidote 我急需解毒劑

- I'm in to close 我靠得太近了

- I feel sick 我感覺病了

- I'm hit 我受傷了

Brute 狂獸人



- Huh?

- Give me something to brake! 給我東西撕碎

- I want to play! 我想玩耍

- I like big toys! 我喜愛大號的玩具

- Ready to crush! 準備好破壞


- Turn me loose! 放開我

- Is clobbering time, no? 摧毀的時機來了 不麽

- Okay 可以

- Goody! 好啊


- Come to Pappa! 到爸爸這兒來

- Them not my friend 他們不是我朋友

- Give me your lunch money! 把妳午餐的錢給我

- It's play time 到玩耍的時間了

- I will brake you! 我要把妳撕碎

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