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SBSetting裏的“Apple killswitch”是什麽意思

Apple Killswitch功能,是為了防止Apple使用此功能從妳的iPhone上刪除Apple不喜歡的程序。原文:Steve Jobs confirmed a widespread rumor in a Wall Street Journal interview today. He admitted that the iPhone has code inside it that routinely checks back with Apple to see if any downloaded software has been blacklisted. This also enables Apple to remotely disable any malicious programs at their discretion.Apple raised hackles in computer-privacy and security circles when an independent engineer discovered code inside the iPhone that suggested iPhones routinely check an Apple Web site that could, in theory trigger the removal of the undesirable software from the devices.Mr. Jobs confirmed such a capability exists, but argued that Apple needs it in case it inadvertently allows a malicious program one that stole users? personal data, for example to be distributed to iPhones through the App Store. Hopefully we never have to pull that lever, but we would be irresponsible not to have a lever like that to pull, he says.翻譯內容:喬布斯承認iPhone中代碼能定時回傳數據給Apple,Apple可以得知是否用戶下載了被列入黑名單的應用程序。這使得apple可以憑借自己的意願,遠程讓這些軟件失效。這是由壹位獨立工程師在iPhone中發現的,iPhone會定期檢測(訪問?)Apple的網絡站點,這就使得,Apple可以將其不熱衷的軟件從客戶的iPhone上移除成為可能,這大大激怒了註重電腦隱私和安全的人群。喬布斯承認這個功能的存在,但反駁道:Apple需要這個功能是因為有可能有惡意程序不經意地通過App Store侵入iPhone可能會竊取用戶的私人信息。希望我們永遠都不必啟用這個功能,但如果我們沒有這樣壹個可以啟用的功能的話,我們就是不負責任的公司了。

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