當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 熱門推薦 - notice與notification 的區別

notice與notification 的區別

您好,notice?和?notification?兩個單詞都是由字根 note 而來的,而另壹個單詞也是由字根 note 延伸過來的是 note 這個單詞,所以這3個都是由 note 拓展的英語單詞的較大區別在於:


My teacher is talking, and I am noting

= My teacher is talking and I am taking note.


Did you see the notice on the bulletin board?(作名詞)

I notice you have a new haircut.(作動詞)


Please notify your parents to come to school tomorrow.

My parents sent a notification to the school that they couldn't come to the meeting.


所以 3 套就是:

note = 動詞(寫);名詞(寫下的東西)

notice = 動詞(看);名詞(看到的東西)

notify = 動詞(告知);名詞(告知的內容)

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