當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 人物素材 - 母親節英語手抄報素材:特別的日子給特別的您


1, in the world the most beautiful person, we always need to repay -- this is the mother. Mom I thank you give my life, is you taught me the truth in life, no matter how in the future, I will always love you!


2, all good things humans from the light of the sun. There is no sun, the flowers will not open; no love, no happiness; no women, there is no love; without the mother, no poet and hero. Today is mother's day, wish you forever healthy, beautiful; everything seemed, well. No flowers, no gifts, only my best wishes!


The mother ship, to send children to work hard day and night to shore; mother is a tree, to help children from the sun; the mother is light, travel on the road just to give children a warm companionship! Mother is the world's most loved you and most worthy of the people you love, mother's day, don't forget to wish her happy every day!

 3、媽媽:祝您健康長壽!永遠年輕!天天快樂! 希望能在這樣節日裏對母親說聲:媽媽,妳辛苦了,兒子在有生之年,會孝順妳老的,母親節快樂!!!

3, Mom: I wish you longevity and health! Young forever! Happy every day! Hope to say in this festival to mother: Mom, you worked hard, son in the rest of one's life, be filial to your old, happy mother's day!!!

 4、媽媽,妳的女兒長大了,也懂事了,妳放心吧。沒有我的日子,妳要更加保重妳自己! 在這個特別的日子裏,我想對媽媽您說聲:媽媽節日快樂!願媽媽在今後的日子裏更加健康快樂!

4, mom, your daughter has grown up, wiser, I assure you. Not my day, you should be more take care of your own! On this special day, I want to say: you mama mother happy holidays! Let mother in the future days more healthy and happy!

 5、媽媽!您生我、養我、育我……在這個節日裏,兒子向您問好,希望您身體健康、萬事如意! 母親呵!妳是荷葉,我是紅蓮,心中的雨點來了,除了妳,誰是我天空下的蔭蔽?

5, mother! You have me, raising me, education me...... In this festival, son greet you, wish you good health, good luck in everything! Mother! You are lotus leaf, I am gong Lian, the hearts of the rain has come, in addition to you, who is under the sky shading I?

 6、誰言寸草心,報得三春暉? 外邊風吹雨打折磨著我,屋內和煦的陽光溫暖著我,因為屋內有您,我愛您媽媽,永遠永遠!

6, who made grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments? Expose to wind and rain outside tormenting me, the genial warmth of the sun with me, because inside you, I love your mother, forever and ever!

 7、希望今天,所有的母親都會從心裏微笑,為了兒女,為了所有,只要媽媽快樂,我們就快樂! 世界上其他壹切都是假的、空的,唯有母愛才是真的、永恒的、不滅的。

7, hope that today, all mothers will smile from the heart, to children, to all, as long as the mother happy, we happy! The world everything is false, empty, only love is the true, eternal, indestructible.

 8、壹切過去了的都會變成親切的懷念,壹切逝去了的方知可貴。我懷念您帶我們走過的時光。 壹向不善在您面前表達感情的我,今天要借著語音短信說壹句:親愛的媽媽:我永遠愛您!祝母親節快樂。

8, everything will be passed into a kind of nostalgia, the passing of all the parties know precious. I miss you with us through time. Always mismanagement in front of you express feelings I, want to borrow the voice message said 1 today: dear mother: I love you forever! Happy mother's day.

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