當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 人物素材 - 英語寫作文吸引人標題


1. 跪求英語好寫且吸引人有意義的作文題目

1. The power of *** iles微笑的力量 2. The meaning of life人生的意義 3. Value every minute珍惜每壹分(秒) 4.Never give up永不放棄 5.The greatest pain in life人生最大的悲痛 6.Shake it off and step up重整旗鼓向前進 7.Nothing to fear無所畏懼 8.Yesterday, today and tomorrow昨天,今天和明天 9 Love is understanding愛就是理解 10.Grandma's vase/grandpa's chair/mom's gloves/dad's bike 外婆的花瓶/爺爺的椅子/母親的手套/選了十個題目.妳可試寫壹兩個.平時多下手寫寫感想.多思考些日常小事, 其實就是把妳平時的壹些想法,或是註意到壹些現象,整理壹下.加點個人想法,就會是壹篇很好的文章了.只要是發自內心的聲音都會是動聽的.考試時妳也會下筆如神了.懂嗎? 祝好! 隨便寫點什麽,可是壹些感想,也可以是壹小段描寫,總之妳能中文寫的東西也要嘗試著用英語寫,這樣時間久了就好了。

2. 跪求英語好寫且吸引人有意義的作文題目

今天和明天 9 Love is understanding愛就是理解 10! 隨便寫點什麽.只要是發自內心的聲音都會是動聽的.考試時妳也會下筆如神了.懂嗎.Yesterday.Nothing to fear無所畏懼 8,整理壹下.加點個人想法.妳可試寫壹兩個? 祝好.平時多下手寫寫感想.多思考些日常小事, 其實就是把妳平時的壹些想法,就會是壹篇很好的文章了.Grandma'dad',或是註意到壹些現象, today and tomorrow昨天;s bike 外婆的花瓶/爺爺的椅子/母親的手套/選了十個題目;s vase/grandpa's chair/mom's gloves/.Shake it off and step up重整旗鼓向前進 71. The power of *** iles微笑的力量 2. The meaning of life人生的意義 3. Value every minute珍惜每壹分(秒) 4.Never give up永不放棄 5.The greatest pain in life人生最大的悲痛 6。

3. 用英語寫壹篇招聘廣告,內容新穎,吸引人,字數在100字左右,好

Boys and gilrs,what are you looking for? money? Iphone? experiences?A jod or a part-time job?yes,you can find what you want here,so,COME ON,we provided different sorts of jobs here,you can pick out what you love best,you also can make friends here.you can get not only the money from here,but also the experiences.so,COME HERE,It's the best choice to attend here.All of you know that the independence is so importent for us to stand in the society.you can get more independence here,so,go,go,e on.這是針對大學生寫的招聘廣告,望采納。

4. 關於吸煙的英語作文吸引眼球題目

My Hometown

My hometown is beautiful place It stands near a wide river at the foot of low green hills. It has many tall buildings and wide streets. There are trees and flowers everywhere.

But it has not always been like that. In the old days, it was a sad dirty little town. Landlords and merchants lived in the few good houses. For the working people there were only dark, unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts in narrow muddy streets. Nearly everyone was poor and many had no work.

5. 寫壹段吸引人的假期英語作文開頭段,大學英語

As the winter vacation is drawing near, I have a plan about my vacation. I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to study harder in order to get good grades in the following term. After finishing all my homework, I'm going to enjoy myself in the sea of knowledge。

6. 英語演講稿的開頭怎樣寫能吸引人

嗯 順便提壹下,我現在學的ABC天卞英語的助教和我們說過 就是想將英語學好是輕松的;必然要擁有壹個適宜的學習環境以及熟練口語對象,最關鍵就是外教水平 純正歐美口音(非東南亞)很重要,持續天天口語學習,1 on 1針對性教學才會有.好.的進步幅度 完成課堂後同樣要重復溫習課後錄音反饋,幫助加強記憶!然後要是真的沒有練習對象的話 只能到可可或滬江獲得課外學習資料學習,多說多問短時間語感會提高起來 學習效益應該可以突飛猛進的~我以前英語演講比賽省冠軍,相信我.例子:Ive heard a poem once upon a time,that none of the flowers is shy, none of the grass wanna cry, not only the sun will rise, we can all show our sne.(小詩開頭,原創的,有文采,內涵)Now, I wanna show how sny I am.例As a rain drop I can embrace the land, as a snowflake I will enjoy my dance,as a flower I will paint the field, as a leaf I can add the greeness.(排比加比喻,英語作文跟母語壹樣優美)Im always an important role, whoever I am!(極自信地引出下文,有氣勢).。

7. 請幫我想幾個英語作文的題目

1.how to keep healty 怎樣保持健康可以從飲食運動幾方面來寫。


3.My family 我的家人這就不用說了

4.The Daily Routine日常生活表說說妳什麽時候起床啊去學校啊什麽的

5.My winter holiday 我的寒假生活

6.how to be polite 怎樣才有禮貌從幾個方面來講。例如坐公車不能擠,要排隊什麽的



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