當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 圖片素材 - return後面能加back嗎,加了什麽意思


後面是可以加的,譯為歸還之意。有幾個例句妳看壹下 :1.Having the bricks on the walkways inside or outside makes one feel to return back to the nature. 鋪貼於室內外走道,有回歸大自然的感覺。 shiyatc.com 2.This work allows you to return back to the western music of mid-century which remarks back to nature of the contemporary music works. 金魚---此作品似乎讓您回歸到西方中世紀的音樂,也標誌著現代音樂作品的返璞歸真。 dict.youdao.com 3.I think I shall return back... 我想我該回去了…

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