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[外研]高壹英語必修三 Module 1 同步驗收題聽力錄音原文及參考答案


Text 1

M: How often should I take these pills and how many at a time, please?

W: Take two pills every four hours.

M: Thanks.

Text 2

M: I hope I can see you at my birthday party.

W: Oh, dear, I’d almost forgotten. When is it?

M: Well, the day after April Fool’s Day. Easy to remember, isn’t it?

W: Yes, of course.

Text 3

M: Where are the teacups?

W: There are some in the cupboard. I put them there this morning.

M: Can you find them?

W: Yes, here they are.

Text 4

W:May I take your dinner order now?

M:Thank you. But I’m waiting for someone to join me.

Text 5

W:I can’t believe Karen is late for such an important occasion as a job interview. I reminded her time and again yesterday.

M:You should have known our daughter better by now. Everything you tell her goes in one ear and out the other.

Text 6

W:Today, Mr Johnson will introduce us to an interesting television programme.

M:Thank you, Mrs Adams. The television programme I am going to introduce is about the brain. It will be shown on October 10th. It’s a new public television show produced in New York City. Some interesting topics that will be discussed are dreaming, memory and depression. These topics will be illustrated by using computer animations of the brain to make explanations easy to follow. The show is not for children. But don’t worry; it’s not intended for scientists, either. I think the programme will be helpful with the work we are doing in class on the brain. I hope you’ll watch it. Remember, it’s on October 10th.

Text 7

M: I’d like to mail a package to Shanghai. How much postage is needed?

W: Ordinary mail or air mail?

M: I haven’t decided yet. How long does it take if it goes by ordinary mail?

W: About 3 weeks. It’s quicker to go by air mail.

M: And can it go as printed matter?

W: What is inside the package?

M: Some books and tapes.

W: According to our rules, the books can go as printed matter, but not the tapes.

M: OK, I want this one to go by ordinary mail and the other by air mail. How much is it?

W: Ten yuan for the books and fifteen yuan for the tapes.

M: All right.

W: Now, please fill out these forms and be sure to write down your name and address.

Text 8

W: Tell me, Jack, do you look through the web much?

M: Well, to tell the truth, I’m so busy with work. I don’t really have time to surf the web. Let me think... I suppose I log on a couple of times a week, for maybe about two or three hours once.

W: So, what do you do on the Internet when you log on?

M: Well, I do a little e-mail. I only get about two or three e-mails a week. Actually I prefer writing real letters with pen and paper.

W: Yeah, I’m the same way. Anything else you do on the Internet?

M: Well, sometimes I look up information I need for my job, which saves a lot of time looking through books in libraries.

W: Yes, it sure does.

Text 9

W: You look worried this evening, dear. What’s the trouble?

M: I’m going through the telephone bill. It’s over 10 pounds. But last month it was under 7 pounds.

W: I don’t think we’ve used the telephone more than usual, have we?

M: But the prices of long-distance calls and telegrammes are very high. Who made all these expensive calls to London? I don’t remember making them. Do we know anyone in London?

W: Oh, they must be Jack’s calls. Anne was staying in London with her uncle in October, Jack rang her up nearly every evening.

M: Oh, did he? Well, he can pay for the calls.

W: Jack’s only earning 30 pounds a month.

M: What long talks they must have had!

W: Yes, but do remember they are young. I’ll pay for Jack’s calls to Anne. Father sent me a check for Christmas, you remember. I haven’t spent it all yet.

M: I wasn’t serious, dear. Use your father’s money for yourself. I’m sure there are lots of things you like.

Text 10

My friend David kept birds. One day he phoned and told me he was going away for a week. He asked me to feed the birds for him and said that he would leave the key to his front door in my mailbox. Unfortunately, I forgot all about the birds until the night before David was going to return. What was worse, it was already dark when I arrived at his house. I soon found that the key David gave me could not unlock either the front door or the back door. I was getting desperate. I kept thinking of what David would say when he came back. I was just going to give up when I noticed that one bedroom window was slightly open. I found a bucket and pushed it under the window. As the bucket was very heavy, I made a lot of noise. But in the end, I managed to climb up and open the window. I actually had one leg inside the bedroom when I suddenly realised that someone was shining a torch up at me. I looked down and saw a policeman and an old lady, one of David’s neighbours. “What are you doing up there?” asked the policeman. Feeling like a complete fool, I replied, “I was just going to feed Mr David’s birds.”



1—5 ABAAC 6—10 CABBC

11—15 BCCAC 16—20 CACBA



21—25 ABABB 26—30 BABAC

31—35 AAACA


21. A。考查固定短語。compared to / with意為“和……相比”,在句中用作狀語。22. B。考查belong to的用法。belong to意為“屬於”,不能用於進行時態和被動語態。23. A。考查介詞用法。off the coast在海岸外;on / along the coast在海岸邊。24. B。考查倍數表達。有四種表達: A is ... times as + 形容詞 + as B; A is ... times + 比較級 + than B; A is ... times + 名詞; A is ... times + the size / height / length of B。此處用了第三種。25. B。考查短語。be known to 為某人所知;be known as作為……而著名;be known for 因為……而著名。

26. B。考查短語用法。such as A, B and C = like A, B and C表示列舉,for example表示列舉時前後常有標點符號。第二空為:主語 + be + 形容詞 + to do,常用主動表示被動。

27. A。考查主謂壹致。此處class強調個體,故謂語動詞應用復數。28. B。考查固定用法。more than a little + 形容詞意為“不止壹點,非常”。29. A。考查連詞用法。while意為“雖然”,此處句意為:雖然好的模特機構是很難進的,但優秀的模特還是急需的。

30. C。考查allow用法。allow sb. to do sth.允許某人做某事;allow doing sth. 允許做某事。31. A。考查連接詞。句意為:不管妳有多少工作要做,晚上也要盡量睡好覺。 however much work = no matter how much work表示“無論多少工作”。32. A。考查介詞用法。by表示相差或變化的程度。句意為:幸運的是,子彈差壹英寸沒有擊中上尉。33. A。考查固定短語。第壹空作定語,表示“與……有關的”,應為related to;第二空表示“需要細心處理”,用require doing表示“某事需要被做”,主動形式表示被動含義。

34. C。考查詞義辨析。第壹空表示“學生們在課下活動中得到充分的鍛煉”,可用exercise (鍛煉) 或practice (練習),但不用exercises此時表示練習;第二空意為“獲得了許多實際經驗”,應用experience,其復數則表示“經歷”。35. A。考查非謂語動詞。句中的he和say為邏輯上的主謂關系且此處表示壹個經常的習慣性的動作,故用現在分詞用作方式狀語。


36—40 CACAD 41—45 BDCBA

46—50 ACCDC 51—55 DCADB


36. C。it指代England。there be“某地有某物”,不符合句子意思。37. A。across“寬;從壹邊到另壹邊”。38. C。surprising“令人驚奇的”,下文描寫英國氣候變化大。39. A。通過下壹句的or who have visited only... 可知沒有去過英國或去過英國壹部分地區的人認為英國是壹個又冷又潮濕的國家。40. D。one part of it指英國的壹部分,前面有only做出提示。41. B。make the mistake“犯錯誤”;keep in mind“記住”;have the rights“有……的權利”;make a decision“做出決定”。根據句子意思可知人們容易誤認為英國是寒冷潮濕的國家。42. D。except for“除了……”,後面加名詞;besides“除了……之外還有”。43. C。north與下句中的in the south相對比。44. B。氣候非常適宜。45. A。造成的結果是北方的退休人員去那兒享受溫暖的氣候。46. A。move down to“去……地方;移居”;take up“拿起;占據”;go on“繼續”;live後不能用to。47. C。the warmest part of the country“這個國家最溫暖的部分”。

48. C。從空格後面的quite warm可知,這個Gulf Stream是暖流。49. D。空格所在句子有提示。50. C。因為氣候溫暖,所以樹和植物長得好。

51. D。根據推斷,這兒氣候溫暖,花和蔬菜成熟要比其它地方早。52. C。因為成熟得早,上市早,因此賣的價錢高。53. A。因為前面有there,因此要構成there be句型。下雪不是壹定的事情,因此用may be (可能)。

54. D。前後句子是轉折關系,進行對比。55. B。用why表示英國南部成為度假勝地的原因。


56—60 ABDBD 61—65 BCDDA

66—70 DACAD 71—75 CBBCC


56. A。與原文第壹段第壹句不符。

57. B。overshadow使相形見絀;defeat 打敗;compare比較; equal, match比得上。58. D。從文章最後壹段最後壹句可知。59. B。文章主要講述了巴黎的經濟情況。60. D。略

61. B。從文章第壹段可以推斷出Pisa塔完工於1373年左右,距今約633年。62. C。從文章第二段第壹句可知。63. D。從文章第三段第壹句“Both because of its inclination, and its beauty, from 1373 up to the present the Tower has been the object of very special attention.”可知。64. D。文章最後兩段主要講了Pisa塔日漸傾斜及補救措施。65. A。略66. D。綜合判斷題。文章未提到我們應采取什麽措施來阻止氣候的變化。67. A。推理判斷題。由文章第壹段的“cold winters could disappear almost completely by 2080 as a result of global warming”可知答案。68. C。作者意圖判斷題。文章多處提到全球變暖對歐洲的不利影響,因此是壹種警告的語氣。69. A。標題選項題。文章主要是說歐洲到2080年時很可能沒有冬天了。70. D。細節理解題。文章沒有提到全球變暖會引起更多地震,因此D項錯誤。71. C。猜測詞義題。既然被救的遊艇失去了動力,另壹艘船去救它最有可能的就是將其拖走。72. B。細節理解題。第三、四段分別提到各派出壹艘船,所以總***是2艘。

73. B。作者意圖判斷題。文章是告訴我們壹個新聞故事。74. C。綜合判斷題。根據第二段可知,遊艇失去動力後,船上的人沒有立即打電話,而是過了壹段時間後才打電話。因此C項錯誤。75. C。細節理解題。根據文章第二段的“And they were enjoying the last rays of sunshine of the sea”可知答案是C。



76. Humour, God’s Greatest Gift / Sense of Humour / Personality lies in sense of humour 77. Humour can improve physical as well as mental well-being. 78. overcome, relax, 和諧

79. He who doesn’t have humour is just like a spring without flowers.

80. 在工作和學習中和他人產生誤解是在所難免的,然而,與那些憤怒的話語和爭執相比,幽默就象壹劑鎮靜藥,能更快地化解這些問題。


One possible version:

Hong Kong is located on the southeast coast of China. It is made up of the Hong Kong Island, the New Territories, the Knowloon Peninsnal and 235 smaller islands, covering an area of over 1,000 square kilometres with a population of over 6 million.

It’s neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter, with its average temperature 15℃ in February and 28℃ in July. It often rains during the months between May and September.

Hong Kong is known as “Pearl in the East”. It is one of the largest trade center in the world. We’re sure that it will become richer and stronger.

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