當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 網絡軟體 - 肺炎的英文



例句:1、Most people do not have to be hospitalized for asthma or pneumonia.多數人不必因哮喘或肺炎住院。

2、She had feared she was coming down with pneumonia or bronchitis.她擔心自己會得肺炎或支氣管炎。

3、No new SARS cases have been reported in the region.該區沒有新增非典型肺炎病例。

4、In November 1941 Payne was seriously ill with pneumonia.1941年11月,佩恩患了嚴重的肺炎。

5、She nearly died of pneumonia.她差點死於肺炎。

6、Now, the cure rate of pneumonia is very high.如今,肺炎的治愈率很高。

7、The patient with pneumonia is receiving professional treatment.這位肺炎病人正在接受專業治療。

8、His illness was aggravated by pneumonia.他的病因肺炎而加重。

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