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USA 1933 World Exposition in Chicago to establish "a century of progress" theme. 此後歷屆世博會均有主題。 Since then successive Expo are subject.

年份國家舉辦地主題 Year Subject host country

1935 比利時布魯塞爾通過競爭獲取和平 1935 Brussels, Belgium, to obtain peace through competition

1937 法國巴黎現代世界的藝術和技術 1937 Paris, France, the modern world of art and technology

1939 美國舊金山明日新世界 1939 San Francisco Tomorrow, the United States the New World

1958 比利時布魯塞爾科學、文明和人性 1958 Brussels, Belgium, scientific, civilized and humane

1962 美國西雅圖太空時代的人類 1962 in Seattle, the United States human space time

1964 美國紐約通過理解走向和平 1964 New York, the United States to move towards peace through understanding

1967 加拿大蒙特利爾人類與世界 1967 Montreal, Canada and the world of human

1968 美國聖安東尼奧美洲大陸的文化交流 1968 San Antonio United States the American continent, cultural exchange

1970 日本大阪人類的進步與和諧 1970 Osaka, Japan, the progress of humanity and harmony

1974 美國斯波坎無汙染的進步 1974 Spokane pollution-free progress of the United States

1975 日本沖繩海洋-充滿希望的未來 1975 Okinawa, Japan, oceans - a promising future

1982 美國諾克斯維爾能源-世界的原動力 1982 United States Knoxville energy - the driving force behind the world

1984 美國新奧爾良河流的世界-水乃生命之源 1984 New Orleans, the United States the world's rivers - the water is the source of life

1985 日本築波居住與環境--人類家居科技 Tsukuba, Japan in 1985 to live with the environment - human household Technology

1986 加拿大溫哥華交通與運輸 1986 Vancouver, Canada, traffic and transport

1988 澳大利布裏斯班科技時代的休閑生活 Technology, Brisbane, 1988 Australia's leisure time

1990 日本大阪人類與自然 1990 Osaka, Japan, man and nature

1992 西班牙塞維利亞發現的時代 1992 in Seville, Spain, found time

1992 意大利熱那亞哥倫布-船與海 Genoa, Italy, 1992, Columbus - ship with the sea

1993 韓國大田新的起飛之路 Daejeon, Korea 1993, a new take-off of the road

1998 葡萄牙裏斯本海洋--未來的財富 1998 Lisbon, Portugal, the ocean - the future wealth

1999 中國雲南人與自然-邁向21世紀 1999, Yunnan, China people and nature - into the 21st century

2000 德國漢諾威人類-自然-科技-發展 2000 Hannover, Germany humanity - Nature - Technology - Development

2005 日本愛知縣超越發展:大自然智慧的再發現 2005 Aichi, Japan beyond the development: nature of the intelligence found in

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