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Cuts down Chou from King Wu of Zhou Jifa, founded the week dynasty atone fell swoop, to Qin Miezhou, around has maintained the nearly for800 years, is in our country history the most prolonged dynasty.Period, first has the week 文王 "the Book of Change", hasestablished the Chinese culture philosophy foundation, founded theChinese culture pupation to be magnificent for the butterfly 先端,latter had the Spring and Autumn Period Warring States the alls of thevarious schools of thought school numerously to assume, a big crowd ofworld-class thinker Can if the galaxy, the achievement Chinese nationhas shown disdain for the world the China civilization, even ifarrived today, we in overseas or set up the Kong Zi institute but arenot Zhu Xi the institute Sima Qian institute, the American attackIraq, for theirs gentleman The soldiers provide "Sun Zi Bingfa" but are not thewestern-style pastry military tactics, the Barton military tactics, iscontinuously presented by all previous dynasties for accomplishes thehighest sage my deceased teacher Master Confucius and Laozi, deluded,life-long runs around calling for help for it: "Elegant article ah, Ifrom week!" "Rejects hundred since Martial emperor of Han dynasty, alone reveresthe Confucianist method" (certainly, also some people said is"insufficiently damps yellow old, advocation Confucianism", but nomatter what, some point is common, that is Confucianist's viewpoint,after has become mainstream), is living the time anxiety of poverty isdisappointed is frequently surrounded by the common people fills innot the full belly moreover the venerable teacher which is expelled byown country home use all sorts of dirty tricks the entrance to acountry to be more and more red, continuously rises steadily from ateacher, finally became has frightened "accomplishes the highest sagemy deceased teacher", solid humanities idol. The nature, MasterConfucius and Laozi the most ideal civilized society's model, rule byritual the world, the week dynasty which Mr. Mr., the feudal officialfeudal official, the father father, sub- sub- everybody each one "themutual nonaggression", mutually does not overstep, became hasrespectively faced each generation of 君主 minister the gentlemanfarmers (including Chinese Tang emperor subject) the unremittingpursue goal and cuts Huang which unceasingly, the principle alsorandomly wished for earnestly the Liang fond dream. Also so, we shouldname with the week race but are not the Han Nationality, the foreignershould be called Zhou Renjie but are not the Chinatown, I do notconsider resources bite off more than can chew, wants from Mr.Germany's stratification plane, to talk nonsense several, asks foradvice to the person of high skill. First looks at the following contrast: Dominant time: Week: 1046 - 256B.C., 780 years; Chinese: 206 B.C. - A.D. 226 years, 446 years; Tang:A.D. 618 years - A.D. 907 years, 285 years. In other words, theChinese Tang two dynasties add together, but also does not have theChou Dynasty time to be long. Again looked founds a country the king fathers' and sons' individualidentity: Week: Ji Chang: West the primary marquis, business facesmale three one, "Shihchi & #8226; Yin Benji third ": "West of theuncle, nine marquises, the Hubei marquis are three male"; Theprofessional female entertainer sends, the children of high-rankingofficials, after meet Ji Chang the class to call the king, after 11years cut down Chou (this time to call self crown prince). Chinese:Liu great-grandfather: Farmer; Liu Bang: "Township leader". Tang: LiYuan, Tang male, guards Taiyuan; Li Shimin: The children ofhigh-ranking officials, after killed official successor crown princeLi to complete force emperor to turn overlord to sit the dragon chair.In six people, only has Ji Chang is a thinker, the alls of the variousschools of thought and various schools of thought thought, also all is"the Book of Change" in wholesales the processing deepening from himto grow comes. Three dynasties endings all not how: Week: Warring States greatly chaotic, the independent warlords strivefor hegemony, whose fist is hard, the royal court acknowledges anyone,if three minute Jin, the week emperor afterwards acknowledgedpositions of the three feudal lords, are surnamed Tian to expel themonarch oneself do, the royal court also has to acknowledge, how manygeneration of uneven countries monarchs let Tian do quite - to saysentence 題外話, the ginger old great-grandfather that dozen godwhip also was the sacrificial type silver spear head, you did not dareto hit the emperor, but also did not dare to hit the disloyal subject?How looks others tidy up own descendant? Chinese: The empress dowager old lady and young emperor collaboratesto set up 官印 the batch of zero company, business good - also has題外話, sells official posts and titles the real men, withdifficulty had also surmounted the ancient to the new century, why notdoes the study predecessor, open a facade, 官爵 with honest pricetag displayed? Must know that, the liquor fragrance did not fear thelane deep nonsense has been all obsolete, really fine arrives the highprice, that study guy dynasty! Tang: Division of the country among warlords, who has beenunsatisfied to emperor, all may dispatch troops to siege nationalcapital Chang An, publicly speaks the last words of a spoken partrhythmically under, emperor the old gentlemen all want to bear theblame the imperial edict, grovels, apologizes the apology, raised fivegeneration of ten country - to say sentence 題外話 again: Spendsfreely the popular sentiment abstention! Since the week emperor's start is higher than the Chinese Tang emperorby far, 文治 Wugong also far above Chinese Tang, merely is becausearrived time Chinese Tang the human civilization is more developed,the various countries' exchange more widespread only then caused us tobecome the Han Nationality, the Chinese? Please have a look the weekemperor 德行 to draw the conclusion again: The first article had said, Ji Chang is west the primary marquis,discusses the dynasty three male one, what but do this big talentedpeople all do? "Shihchi & #8226; Zhou Benji ": "West the unclecloudyly does good deeds", this meant, he does good deeds secretly,does the good deed. Here has to cite "cloudyly does good deeds" theexample to explain that, Qi Guoda bureaucrat Tian (regulations areChen Xing, Tian), secretly changes national the measuring unit, with大鬥 lends money the grain to outside, with slightly fights takesin, they used such means buy popular sentiment, the country to losethe popular sentiment, the peasant family have become Savior, somepeople asked the feast: "Uneven it how?" The feast replies: "This JiShiye, I do not know, Qi Qiwei Chen! (Yan Zi is called others Chen inhere but unequal Tian, is despite meaning)"the meaning understood verymuch, now is end the world, I do not have the means to ravel, QiGuoyao became them to be surnamed Chen's uneven country. In otherwords, this kind "cloudyly does good deeds" said to the country to theroyal family that, is a plot. King Tian quite several generation of QiGuo, is "cloudyly does good deeds" from this, from this 大鬥,slightly fights starts. The professional female entertainer prosperousbuys the hearts of the people thought may contend with after the ShangDynasty dynasty, called the king "Shihchi & #8226; Weekaristocratic family fourth ": "The feudal lord heard it said: ' Westthe primary lid is ordered to the year ', "" the lid is ordered to theyear name king... ... The latter ten years collapse." But "the lid is ordered to" the reason listens to let the personextremely laughably: Some two countries, had the prison to disputeoneself could not solve, requested Ji Changzhi to incur in once, twoarrived west 岐 west, saw 岐 to govern very much well, greatlydomestically grown did not struggle the border, mutually modestlydeclined, thereupon ashamed returned, said: We struggle requestedtakes, is precisely west others 岐 looks down upon, what honor do wehave to see others professional female entertainer prosperously?Thereupon, the world feudal lord all indicated that, "West the primarymarquis is shouldering the destiny person!" Thereupon, Ji Changjiucalled the king! Please look at professional female entertainer prosperous finallyseveral year crazy: "Is ordered to the year from the lid",professional female entertainer prosperous "next year, cuts downQuanrong. Next year, will cut down densely must. Next year, willdefeat & #8226; (ZHI, three) country... ... Next year, will cutdown □□ the country. Next year, will cut down honors Hou Huer tomake abundant Yi. Next year, from 岐 under will move abundantly all.Next year, west the uncle will collapse. The crown prince sendsstands, is King Wu." At the same time goes to war, at the same timebuilds the capital, does one's best, after dies but already, in undermore looked more likes not to attend to the tyrant living stationwhich the common people hard work engages in wanton militaryactivities in the front. How also thought did not understand, that JiChangyan "Is easy" □h in, heard the present unexpectedly is hanging"the world first loyal minister" the sign - loyal minister that isgood? Why didn't emphasize others the unprecedented non- futurecontribution let him after the culture when originally does notmoisten the above loyal minister? The prince ratio does is a loyalminister.

自從漢武帝“罷黜百家,獨尊儒術”(當然,也有人說是 “絀抑黃老,崇尚儒學”,但不管怎麽說,有壹點是***同的,那就是儒家的觀點,成了主流)後,活著的時候窮愁潦倒常常被老百姓包圍起來填不飽肚子而且被自己的國家用種種卑劣手段趕出國門的老夫子越來越紅,從壹個教書匠壹直節節上升,最後成了嚇人的“大成至聖先師”,實實在在的人文偶像。自然,孔老夫子最理想的文明社會的典範,以禮治天下,君君、臣臣、父父、子子大家各自“互不侵犯”、互不逾越的周王朝,就成了各朝各代君主大臣士農工商們(包括漢唐天子臣民在內)不懈的追求目標和斬不斷、理還亂求之不得的黃粱美夢。既如此,我們該用周族來命名而不是漢族,外國人該叫周人街而不是唐人街呀,鄙人自不量力,想從君德的層面,來胡說八道幾句,就教於高人。











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