當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 源碼下載 - asp 下拉菜單的二級聯動

asp 下拉菜單的二級聯動


id 學校 班級 姓名

1 中學 壹班 王壹

2 中學 三班 孫二

3 高中 二班 張三





set conn=......

conn.open "...... "

sql= "select distinct 學校 from 人員表 "

set rs=conn.execute(sql)%>

<form id= "form1 " name= "form1 " method= "post " action= "chaxun.asp ">

<table width= "600 " border= "1 ">


<td width= "179 "> <div align= "center "> 學校 </div> </td>

<td width= "405 ">

<select name= "xuexiao " id= "xuexiao " onchange= "chaxun.asp?xx= '+this.value ">

<option value= " "> ==請選擇學校== </option>


if not rs.eof and not rs.bof then

do while not rs.eof%>

<option value= " <%=rs( "學校 ")%> " <%if trim(rs( "學校 "))=trim(request( "xx ")) then%> selected <%end if%> > <%=rs( "學校 ")%> </option>



end if%>





<td> <div align= "center "> 班級 </div> </td>

<td> <select name= "banji " id= "banji " onchange= "chaxun.asp?xx= <%=request( "xx ")%> &bj= '+this.value ">

<option value= " "> ==請選擇班級== </option>

<%if request( "xx ") <> " " then

sql= "select distinct 班級 from 人員表 where 學校= ' "&request( "xx ")& " ' "

set rs1=conn.execute(sql)

if not rs1.eof and not rs1.bof then

do while not rs1.eof%>

<option value= " <%=rs1( "班級 ")%> " <%if trim(rs1( "班級 "))=trim(request( "bj ")) then%> selected <%end if%> > <%=rs( "班級 ")%> </option>



end if

end if%>

</select> </td>



<td> <div align= "center "> 姓名 </div> </td>

<td> <select name= "name " id= "name " onchange= "chaxun.asp?xx= <%=request( "xx ")%> &bj= <%=request( "bj ")%> &name= '+this.value ">

<option value= " "> ==請選擇人員== </option>

<%if request( "xx ") <> " " and reqeust( "bj ") <> " " then

sql= "select 姓名 from 人員表 where 學校= ' "&request( "xx ")& " ' and 班級= ' "&request( "bj ")& " ' "

set rs2=conn.execute(sql)

if not rs2.eof and not rs2.bof then

do while not rs2.eof%>

<option value= " <%=rs2( "姓名 ")%> " <%if trim(rs2( "姓名 "))=trim(request( "name ")) then%> selected <%end if%> > <%=rs2( "姓名 ")%> </option>



end if

end if%>

</select> </td>




<%set conn=nothing%>


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  • 下一篇:想做壹個定制版的小程序,多少錢
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