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手機第六感程序建站系統,asp net程序怎們安裝的?知道的朋友幫忙壹下!謝謝!




aspnet_iisreg -i


system.data.ado 找不到的問題


sqlstr = "SELECT * FROM Employees;"

' Create a connection to the data source.

MyConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=SQLOLEDB;" _

& "server=localhost;"Integrated Security=SSPI;" _

& "Initial Catalog=Northwind") ' Create a Command object with the SQL statement.

MyCommand = New OleDbDataAdapter(sqlstr, MyConnection) ' Fill a DataSet with data returned from the database.

MyDataset = New DataSet


' Create a new DataTable object and assign to it

' the new table in the Tables collection.

MyTable = New DataTable

MyTable = MyDataset.Tables(0)

' Find how many rows are in the Rows collection

' of the new DataTable object.

numrows = MyTable.Rows.Count

If numrows = 0 then

Response.Write("<p>No records.</p>")


Response.Write("<p>" & Cstr(numrows) & " records found.</p>")

For loop1 = 0 To numrows - 1

' Print the values of the two columns in the Columns

' collection for each row.

Response.Write(MyTable.Rows(loop1).Item("FirstName") _

& " " & MyTable.Rows(loop1).Item("LastName") & "<br>")

Next loop1

End If

Response.Write("<p>End of data.</p>")

End Sub


</html>在數據庫查詢(甚至是多表聯接查詢)返回單個記錄集的情況下,可以通過與使用 ADO 記錄集的方式幾乎相同的方式使用單個 DataTable(在此示例中為 MyTable)。參考《NET FRAMEWORK SDK文擋》

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