當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 站長素材 - 求壹篇英語演講稿,有關心目中理想的世界 好詞好句要多,最好有新意,只有素材、幾段話不成文章也行

求壹篇英語演講稿,有關心目中理想的世界 好詞好句要多,最好有新意,只有素材、幾段話不成文章也行

Hi, good morning ladies and gentlemen, my topic today is 'My ideal world':


The world that we living now is so complicated and the standard of the society make it even more difficult to live and act in your own way. I sometimes wonder what life would be like if we could start all over and build a brand new world - a world that guarantees social justice for all groups and the full rights to every human being. Would there be a way of making everything and everybody equal? From the beginning world has been judgmental in one way or another, rather it is through racism, sexism, or classicism. There has always been a group of people who declared themselves righteous above all others and if one was not a part of this group he or she was discriminated against simply for not being the same as the dominating group.

While it is impossible in reality to start all over again and to build a new world, in an ideal world several changes could be implemented to enhance life for every human being. Racism remains an important issue in society today as it was centuries ago when organized societies were first created. Groups and individuals affected by racism tend to suffer greater consequences because of discrimination against them. The best and highest education, employment, and other benefits for United States citizens are not always available for minorities. While civilization today has improved greatly and racism has dwindled in the minds of many, the concept tends to creep into play as the root of certain situations when a minority feels discriminated against. In my ideal world, ethnicity, religion, and cultural background would be viewed with the same amount of importance as eye or hair color for if people are brought up thinking of each individual of every skin color, religious background, and other beliefs, as equal, racism would not present a problem. Also, to keep racism out of the equation, leaders of society are needed to implement the concept that all people are equal.

We'll then can attain the perfect world that we dream of by taking the first step to remove the above-mentioned discrimination.


That's all from me today, thank you very much.

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